Kali Borovetsv 3

Tandem flight from Borovets

Borovets is well known as a skiing and snowboarding destination in Bulgaria, however paragliding is also on the table for the ones that don’t ski or just want to take a day off the slopes. ...

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Afternoon Flight

Afternoon Flight

A lovely and leisurely afternoon flight with a couple of members of the Aero Club Of BC (of which I am also a member). Thank you to my 92 yr. old pilot friend Harry Pride ...

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Tandem Flight

Tandem Flight in Sopot, BG

Sopot, located in the foothills of Stara Planina is one of the best places to fly in Bulgaria. The cable lift is running daily and takes you directly to the start. Show up early around ...

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you SKY The Daylights out of me ...

you SKY The Daylights out of me …

“…may I have your attention … please have your boarding card ready from the departure from the ground down above the earth up” … Somewhere in Norway at the Rakkestad flyplass [flyplace] the Nimbus Fallskjermklubb’s ...

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