David Martin, Ruben Pla, and friends set up a highline and rope swing off the coast of Alicante, Spain.
Vacationer “Stay”
Link to buy: http://goo.gl/20qLrl
David Martin, Ruben Pla, and friends set up a highline and rope swing off the coast of Alicante, Spain.
Vacationer “Stay”
Link to buy: http://goo.gl/20qLrl
how do they get back up?
you abseil. the extra rope is in the backpack
no jokes man hahaha its the only way
+fran doce I’m pretty sure that he’s joking 😉
+Robert Lüthje no parachute you go back up with line climbers brakes or whatever they’re called, really scary when your hanging up there
+Robert Lüthje that makes sense xD
Idk lol
under 301 club
лол 228
Yeah i would like to know x)
Holy crap!!
Viva Alicante! <3
Viva GoPro! Awesome video 🙂
+ZipiGames Viva YouTube!
Viva Willyrex!
I get that horrible sinking feeling just from watching these guys with the gopro
Like this comment if you like rope swing ! 😉
The video is cool but, look at the time 2:13 min in slow motion and you will see that the climb for a little not took the neck and kill the guy. O video é legal, mas REPAREM em 2 min e 13 seg que a corda do último a pular, quase fez um laço no pescoço do cara enforcando ele. No saltar o braço dele enrosca na corda e por pouco ele quase não morre.
i guess i am going to Spain! lol
that feeling when you can’t even scream 🙂
I hate the new sound youtube makes when you like a comment…
darude – sandstorm
Downvoting plays a hilarious sound aswell!
cool, i’m gonna like my own comment to check out that new sound.
i will also be giving your comment a dislike and reporting it as spam…wanna know if that makes a sound as well 😀
Shut up billy you cunt
the year 2010 called, they want there shitty overused comment back.
Being someone with a fear of heights… I have no trust in that rope…
Love all of go pros videos. Always happy and positive
isn’t that dangerous as hell???
but looks really funny 😉
Is it superview? It’s too much wide-angle!
– What would you like with these eggs?
He says “Vengaaaaa” like “Let’s gooo” hahaha
Too many selfies
How do they get back up?
How do they get up after theyve gone on the swing
Is that sketchy andy?
Watching that. Video was a trip
where exactly is this spot? i live there
wait you dont know where you live
My life is a dream that is captured on a GoPro. Click on my name to see.
It’s called men on crack.
+Relámpago Verde i’m just saying where is located this spot
+Ruben Pla Are you telling that Denia is a little town?
Awesome 😉
How do you get back up?
its a hard job with jumar
I hate the new sound youtube makes when you dislike a comment
How do they get back up?
I want to do it now!
This is so scary and dang so exciting at the same time.
These guys are crazy! Won’t see me trying that!
How they get up there ?
+CryKen =S rope climbing up
after they drop from the wire,how they go up ? ( my english bad sorry.)
They hike.
The guy at 1:08 has his carabiners setup incorrectly.
oye my friend disis krazyy
the fact that most of the guys who are swinging are only attached by their belay loop sorta freaks me out.
Gopro gives me sweaty palms and feet.
Gotta Love Crazy People Jumping off Cliffs! Gotta Love GoPro.
+littlefrank90 Well the next four days sound like they’re going to be great. Enjoy.
+bokeflo My “weekend” actually starts in a few hours, I’ve been working all week, 8 hours a day, friday, saturday and sunday included (for extra money :D).
I’ll spend the next 4 days at a friend’s pool doing nothing!
+littlefrank90 Yes, Yes You Do. lol enjoy what’s left of the weekend my friend.
But Most Of All You Love Capital Letters!
So how do they get down? Serious question. Lol
they abseil
They have a grigri setup with the harness so they probably used an awkward method of bouncing than taking up rope which the grigri (auto-locking belay device) locks off and takes out the slack which allows them to get back up
hahaha go up!
Hombres con cojones….
That gets my blood flowing.
Quite bad spot for that event.
Дух захватывает! 🙂
Que feo eres haaaha alicante
Definitely not the highest
Vaaaamos Alicante! Un poco de España por GoPro
Follow in INSTAGRAM (dannniyy)
Ahiiiiií españa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would not wanna be that first guy jumping
I’d love to think i can do that but
How do they get down?
gopro is gonna account death of upcoming generation
killer view!
Страшно даже стало!
My feet hurt
How did you get back up? 😀
jaja, al final lo han subido, grande!
this guys are awesome, all GoPro videos are awesome, I feel really free.
Check my GoPro channel 😉
How did they not get caught the rope with that big of balls?
GoPro is the best camera to capture one’s final image.
aohohoh a como se te enrolle una en el cuello :S de una se te quitan las ganas de repetirla XD
i was like – oh the background sounds like one of my favorite bands called the vacationer. and it was! i love you gopro!!
Beautiful location!
Wow! That is a little to much of a rush for me! Scott.
Wait if we are allowed to submit clips, can I send in a POV clip of me crying?
I would love to this! I need a job
I’m totally living vicariously!
Insane. But I like it.
Increible! Como la liais! jajajajaja MUY BUEN VIDEO! Que tengo que hacer para apuntarme a la proxima? 😉
Un Saludo!
Que buena que se hagan estas cosas en España y no siempre gente de fuera
GoPro manda! Sois unos maquinas
I dont know if this is near the “Torre del Gerro” or is in the “Cova Tallà”, but it’s near the lighthouse between Denia and Javea
That was sweet. I want to try!!
super extreme !!!
watch my video I just upload guys !!!
I have go pro video
Que puta locura…
No se si me atreveria…
These stresses on those lines are *really* high, the ones that support across the span and that supported the bungee type jumps. I fear that they weren’t a lot closer to failure than they think they were. That’s how Dan Osman died.
yeah but his ropes where quite worn and had experienced quite a few high factor falls from previous jumps, hopefully they are using brand new ropes and wont use them again
At the end we he back flipped he got tangled up I thought so etching going to happen
I love it ! It’s beautiful !!!!!! Very beautiful !!!!
vamos esos GoPro ESPAÑOLES!!!
are these guys completely DE-ranged ????
hahahaha ver funny
please check my channel out
(english isnt my 1st language sorry)
dont forget 2 subcribe
That striped shirt guy seemed to have a moment of clarity…
+Ruben Pla I believe it man!
hahaha yeah, i’m that guy. In that moment i was in peace, believe me! awesome feelings
Check out my short movie ‘Carefree’, filmed with the gopro hero3 and takes you on an adventure on the beach and in the ocean;) /JEReY9Sgn5g
So…um…how do they get down again?
I mean how do they get back up?
Video of the Day!
Not the rope swing of your childhood memories, that’s for certain. With David Martin, Ruben Pla and friends.
i would so do that,looks like so much fun
nooooooooooooooooooooo 🙂
No way in he** would u get me to do this
Me? I would trip, tangle the ropes and snap my neck. Thankful I get to live vicariously through GoPro!
That rope breaks it’s a wrap.. Back all kinds of broke
the people in that boat down there are probably just wondering what in the blazes is going on
73 people hate fun
¿En que parte de Alicante se encuentra esta maravilla?
En Javea 🙂
I’d hate to be the first to jump haha.. this is awesome.
This is where i was born
“This changes everything!” I love this! What a crazy experience! 🙂
Someday I will travel around world with my friend & that day will come .
+kevin tran I am dreaming the same 🙂
How do They get baci un
I want to do this so bad.
i reccomend to subscribe this cahnnel
So how are they going to get down. I was expecting a fall lol even tho thats fucked up
con dos cojones!!!! yeeeeah!!!
do you guys use static or dynamic rope for the rope swing
Dynamic. Or else they would break their back.
Someone explain how you get down from this
you abseil
gopro videos make me want to travel the world and do everything i possibly can. to bad school is a motherfucker and i dont have money 🙁
what happen if the rope sinp
Is that supposed to be exciting? Dan Osman stuff is better
gopro put a non fish eye lens in your camars its annoying seeing the fake curvature of yhe earth in background
1:16 haha funny
i wish i had a gopro hero 5
Também quero