Singer-songwriter Pablo Solana takes the leap in his unique music video for his song “Universe”.
Shot 100% on GoPro –
Comment below on your favorite part!
Pablo Solana “Universe”
Singer-songwriter Pablo Solana takes the leap in his unique music video for his song “Universe”.
Shot 100% on GoPro –
Comment below on your favorite part!
Pablo Solana “Universe”
Woow súper like ☺️?????
Awesome!!!! I have to watch this video over and over again. It makes me smile in this grey and rainy november mood here. I love the song and the smile while singing this nice song. This Video is real Art.
fazer a coisa que mais gosta e ainda cantar…. estado de espirito no ápice!
Amazing! <3
easily the coolest thing i’ve ever seen
Hello, Radiohead?
how do you get such a flying in Israel? Or only abroad?? ?
Hey. Why did not you answer my question ??
walenstadt lake ! AMAZING 🙂
Question: Did you photoshop your head back on to yourself? because I notice there is no wind pull on your lips and cheeks like there should be, and that song is longer than a flight so that would mean it is in a slo-mo I presume timed with the song length.
Your face doesn’t wobble when you fly unless you’re fat. 😉
the beast!!!
Unreal !
Oh I wish to be like hem
Mag. Ni. Fi. Cent!? ??
I lowkey looked at his mouth the entire time to make sure he was in sync, but what an amazing music video!! ??
Wow! How the HELL?! Where’s that camera hanging?!
J’ai une question le mec a vraiment fait un seul vol qui dure une minute et demi en wingsuit ? c’est possible de faire autant de distance?
Tu peut aussi voler pour 3 minutes en wingsuit.
The camera is insta360 one x not gpro
Hey I know this place! These mountains are called the Churfirsten, the lake is called Walensee and this isn’t far from where I live in Switzerland!
What a creative music video!
i recognized it too. Very common place for wingsuit. I think the movie “Point Brake” was filmed there too, but also by Lauterbrunnen.
Scho wo wohnsch?
Yes you would be correct. Point Break was filmed here. Its probably the most jumped location in cliff type wingsuit proximity flying!!
+Dean Stettler
Sankt Galle stadt ? Gruess a min liebe bünzlikolleg
+Tobyrobot I cha schüsch o no cho?✌?
The chill in this video is just mind blowing
video is great, please tell me what it was taken?
Must have been signing this really fast for it to synch in slow mo – nice.
Cool song ???
Gopro forever
Astonish,just astonish
this is so relaxing..the video, the music..damn..i wish i could buy Fusion..
The song is damn horrible… Amazing talent, but the song…please….
Yyyeeeeaaahhhh!!! We are the Champions… ladies and Gentlemans THE TAXI TALK !!! Thanks so much to all the people!!! Here the original vídeo…
What kind of method is used here to crop out the thingy the gopro is attached to
Is the thingy like a stick attached to helmet ?or where?
comes with the gopro editing software
+Francesco Boi correct
He should have singed i belive i can fly
Me after studying for 5 mins…..
))) четко
This “Cracks” me up. Get it… cracks.. ?
Incredible! Nice tune too!
Thats going to be hard to beat
Eu tenho Gopro
I can’t afford ..plz help me????
What a legend!!! ???
1:10 вот это было близко!!!
That was awesome.
XD yeahhh!!!
oh a pharachutte! to land wondering how you would do that
I want to know how he did this. Video looks like it’s in slow motion. So was he listening to a sped up version of the song to lip sync to?
wow. great idea to perform.
What a shit song tho
? New best video on YouTube.
Until LOFT: The Jetman Story comes out! 🙂
when wingsuiting gets boring…
Best music video ever! ?
that’s some intense multitasking
I was about to really trip !
There for a second it looked like he was a double amputee when he was about to land !…curious of how the camera was out in front of him like that and Soo stable!!!!….to be able to do something like that is SOO MANY people’s dream….!
I’m glad someone’s getting to artistically create like this…awesome,!!!
Muito show os seus vídeos
This is art
And the GoPrammy goes to….
That…was so cool and awesome!!!
Absolutely AWESOME!
WOW! Awesome! SWIFT! FLIPPING Cool! #BBQqqqqqqqq ;~>#???
I could watch this 100 times ?
Any chance we’ll get to see the 360 version?
When will he release the album, i wanna see i mean hear more
Is this fake? real?
+Marco Regina Wow….
Ay no manches estas cosas me marean
Give this guy the $1,000,000.
How tf is the camera in front of him just floating there perfect
Because earth is flat…
GoPro 3D dude.
If there is a female version..I would love to see video on ‘I wish I could fly by Roxette’
That was insane.
fake lol
lol true
I know right what a dummy lol
Why would that be fake? ?
Marco Regina the GoPro Is floating in mid air but stays still ???? Totally fake
+Xavier Atkinson it’s the 3D camera and the stick is removed with the GoPro video editing software. You can’t be that stupid come on ? floating mid air… haha
Hoa watching filifinos like
Best music video ever. What a ride.
Best music video ever
G’dang nice.
Super galing naman nito!
Amazing work breth taking view and great flying by you
Coolest video I have ever seen.❤️?
God, that’s some awful music.
*¡ aLso wan† ² :Dü †his…!!*
Hey y’all, I just uploaded a fortnite sniping montage, I’d appreciate your guys opinion, thank you so much!
that’s not flying that’s just falling with style – Woody
Is that Jeb Corliss’ “Crack”-Line?
It’s the crack. But it never belonged to Jeb. He just made it famous and ruined it for everyone else 😉
Where the camera was kept ?
There is a 360 effect that hides The pole
And nobody se the pig at 2:05
if уоu first –
Look my GoPro Hero 7 Black footage in my channel and subscribe please
totally love it, great inspiration
Quiero volar puta madre!
Awesome m/
Great video quality
Как снимают такие видео? Что держит камеру?
NICE SHIT!!!!!!!!
Very good music video
awesome, woooow, fabulous, ***** five stars
Super cool
This angle is so amazing!?
Till now this is the best gopro video I have seen.. Love it.. And thanks for the video
That Moment when you realize that you live there.
Wow wow wow ❤️
Next level Fan Art!
Ooooowwww kkkk ♡♡♡
Very cool ♡
Locks like the chur Fürsten in Switzerland, has to be a beautiful spot to fly a wingsuit
The first seconds were so cringy.
I can understand the voice and movement of the mouth, but how did all the instruments fly close enough to be recorded, too?
Must be a pretty good pilot to be able to fly that and sing a song a 2x speed for the video!
Sarpadooooooooo …
Muy bueno…un re like?
I’ll assume he was singing a much faster version of the song when filming this.
wow so sick
How tf did the GoPro get that shot
I love your trust!
Haha that’s awesome
O. O. O. Amazing I have no words
Like a boss,the landing.
Absolutely STUNNING
This video is as stupid as the dipshit who made these shit ass cameras
Ok this was seriously awesome!!!!!!!
Unbelievably inspirational!
Abbiamo raggiunto il livello successivo con questo video spettacolare.
Davvero complimenti!
What if ancient people seen a flying man like him?
Fusion camera do really cool job! Looks very nice!???
I think this is the coolest video I have seen in my entire life….
I don’t know why u I felt satisfied after seeing this video ! Btw great job
ahahah wonderful!
Fantástico! parabéns…
Я ? раз так делал.
The best
Охренеть !!!
Like of vídeo brother!
Im from Brazil!
Класс!!! Хорошая идея!