Above All Else // By Live Unbound

This film is based on Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld’s book “Above All Else” which you can buy here » http://amzn.to/1QtmNPv. Also check out his site » http://danbrodsky-chenfeld.com

For screening info or business inquires email » yalisharon@gmail.com

At Live Unbound we believe in pushing yourself to be greater through what you love and doing whatever it takes to overcome mental and physical constraints. Once in awhile we come across a real life story that embodies this message. A story of falling madly in love with your dream. Then using that passion to overcome the massive obstacles that appear in the journey of realizing it. This is that story.

This documentary was made possible by Frank Casares who believed in us and funded the project. We had a small crew of 5 people and shot on a RED epic, RED dragon, 5D Mark ii and the Inspire Copter. The biggest challenge was the slow motion skydiving scene which was filmed by Craig O’Brien. Those were shot on the RED dragon at 200 fps. Due to wind, we only had 4 jumps to make it happen but Craig and skydivers Brad Patterson and Dalten Kadow nailed it.

Currently we’re searching for the next great story to tell. We encourage people to reach out to us if they have one or know somebody who does.

Thanks for watching!

Executive Producer
Frank Casares

Directed and Edited by
Yali Sharon

Director of Photography
Eric Gillespie

Aerial Cinematographer
Craig O’Brien

Camera Operators
Norman Kent
Richard Stuart
John Leming
Kylor Melton
Geoffrey Boynton
Mary Pat Avery
Jonathan Griggs
Charlie Tucker
John Craig
John Leming
Joe Jennings

Archival skydiving footage provided by Airmoves Entertainment LLC

Yali Sharon
Harmon Clarke
Grant Chen

Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld

Dan skydiving : Brad Patterson
James Skydiving: Dalten Kadow
Dan’s Girlfriend: Adriana Zyskowski
Dan Hospital: Jalil Houssain
Doctor: Joe Galligan

“Sun” by Nick Rice » https://soundcloud.com/nickrice
“Observation Wheel” by Jacob Montague » http://jacobmontaguemusic.com/
“Unheard Parade” by Jacob Montague

Special Thanks
Estee & Shimon Sharon
Live Unbounders
Skydive Perris
Dan Rice from People are Awesome
Justin Pelkowski
Claire Degenhardt
Aica Vera Valdez

48 thoughts on “Above All Else // By Live Unbound
  1. Excellent doc, great narration without forced sentimentality.

  2. Man. What a story.

  3. This is wonderful. Incredibly touching and sensitively executed. I cried at the end.

  4. absolutely amazing.

  5. This is excellent storytelling. I was completely drawn in and completely engaged. I loved the mystery of what caused the accident and how the viewer is left wondering similarly with the protagonist of “what happened.” The scene during the coma/dream?! Come on! How can you have such a rich narrative with two guys in the middle of a skydive? Bravo. Well done.

  6. Such an amazing storytelling! Epic movie!

  7. Nicely told.

  8. This went straight to my heart . I thank you with tears in my eyes

  9. Maybe sidetracked magazine could help you in the search of next project. http://www.sidetracked.com/sidetracked-magazine/

  10. Wonderful!

  11. Wonderful. Keep going the good work

  12. Deocliciano Okssipin

    This is wonderful indeed!

  13. Very inspiring video – thanks to everyone involved

  14. Amazing!!
    We will share on cgvfxing.com
    Thank you!
    You can follow us on facebook.com/CGVFXing

  15. Wonderful work

  16. great story!!

  17. You would think this guy would take up jogging or bicycling after what happened to him and his friends. I find it hard to feel sorry for people like this.

  18. I have to say that meeting you guys was an inflection point in my life. When I left university my only desire was “hey, I really want to make amazing stuff as this guys are doing”, now at filming school you are my reference. Everyday I tell to myself “Work until your idols become your rivals and always dream big”, i can only say, thank you for teaching me what living unbound means, thank you for being my idols.

  19. wow. just wow

  20. Wenn die Natur wünschte, dass wir fliegen, hätte sie uns Flügel verliehen.

  21. Congrats, your video was hand-picked by our trained monkeys and featured on www.jointheteem.com! Check it out here: http://jointheteem.com/v/above-all-else-dan-brodsky-chenfeld

    #JOINTHETEEM features the best skydiving and BASE jumping videos on the planet. Served fresh, daily.

    Stalk us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/Teem-FB

    Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/Teem-YTube

    Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/Teem-Twitter

    See what we’re up to on Instagram: @JOINTHETEEM

  22. A story of falling madly in love with your dream.
    #skydive by @LiveUnbound

  23. Really sad but one of hope.

  24. i read the book and i couldnt stop reading because i loved the way how he told the story.

    i love the pictures in this edit and the storytelling is so beautiful!

  25. lol

  26. Lift-Off Film Festivals

    Hi LiveUnbound, What a fantastic documentary. We think it would be perfect for our Documentary category at our Liverpool Lift-Off Film Festival 2016. Plus if you win in your category you have the chance to screen around the world. Here is a 30% discount code LIVSocial30 and here’s the link- filmfreeway.com/festival/LiverpoolLiftOffFilmFestival

    All the best

  27. This is an incredible, beautiful and powerful film. Awesome job.

  28. Inspiring!

  29. This is beautiful, shivers man… What a story.

  30. That opening shot made every hair on my body stand on end.

  31. Vacances Scolaires 2016


  32. Absolutely thrilling and heartbreaking and inspiring. Thank you for sharing this story.

  33. sharedi in facebook.com/4kworld/

  34. This was a special. Very well done… Thank you for creating & sharing.

  35. The narrative was expressed well and became compelling when it was unclear who died who lived and the cause. The spiritual POVs and re-enactments came across very naturally and were transparent editorially.

  36. wow!

  37. Super super inspiring.

  38. This is how you make a short doc! so good!!

  39. Andrew Godsman Mcgaw

    so good and so inspiring thank you!

  40. Beautiful, thank you all.

  41. I am Carlos Sargedas, Director of Finisterra Arrábida Art & Tourism Film Festival in Portugal. I would like to invite you to participate in our next edition. If interested, send me your email address to carlossargedas@gmail.com that you send all the information. thank you

  42. Z o zo

  43. Aid Stations with Adam

    amazing, this is the mentality I have about my own goals.

  44. liza

  45. Pretty amazing….

  46. First time I have seen this and looking forward to reading the book. I remember Dan very well and I remember April 22, 1992 like it was yesterday. Still brings chills back to me to this day. I lost a lot of good friends that day but have been inspired by the 6 survivors as well. Perris Valley has changed a lot from what I have seen, but I hope that the spirit lives on. God bless Dan

  47. I too have known Dan BC for many years. No one in this sport exemplifies his level of professionalism and concern for the safety of each & every skydiver that jumps at Perris. He has the utmost respect of all of us. You have done an outstanding job of recreating the immense emotional impact, not only felt by Dan, but by his extended family & friends throughout the skydiving world – as each of us tried to wrap our heads arounds the events that unfolded that fateful day in April 1992.

    Really appreciated how you told the story in first person narrative, with Dan, himself, doing the VO, as well as the music selection from Nick Rice. I know skydiving cinematographer, Craig O’Brien, very well and have jumped with him several times. There are only a small number of great camera flyers and “OB” is as good as they come.

  48. Great organizer and awesome DZ in Perris, California!

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