Sub Terrain Wingsuit Flying | Miles Above 3.0

Wingsuit flying like you’ve never seen before. Witness as the crew jump and fly “The Crack”, an iconic sub terrain BASE jumping location.
► Watch Season 3, Episode 1 here:

Continuing his tour of the Swiss Alps, Scotty Bob Morgan is building to a big finish. At Walenstadt, he joins skydivers Jon Devore and Mike Swanson for some epic wingsuit flying in the Swiss Alps.

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59 thoughts on “Sub Terrain Wingsuit Flying | Miles Above 3.0
  1. First

  2. Super vidéo !!! J’adore ?

  3. F

  4. First dislike

  5. SKI PATS FAN Galleher

    Love Red Bull

  6. ?

  7. Dir abonner pleez

  8. I wish to muchh to do that????

  9. Damn that’s epic

  10. Awesome

  11. Awesome video.

  12. 0:13 t i g h t

  13. 0:20 e p I c

  14. The ninja on the mountains

    I am crapping in my pants just watching!

  15. Hi

  16. กันตพงศ์ ดําหนูอินทร์


  17. killer_plague the_after_math

    This is exhilarating

  18. Nice

  19. Propaganda da red Bull no seu próprio vídeo RS

  20. Jump from Point Break Awesome!

  21. Flight near rock is amazing!

  22. “the deeper you go the tighter it get ” that what she said

  23. Feels SO GOOD to be in love with life on this wicked planet! That was Awesome!

  24. That is so awesome i wish i can fly with them

  25. Perfect formation for the crew on this unreal adventure through the Iconic “Crack” ?

  26. Tsuyama no Kinsan津山の金さん

    Wonderful ?゜.+:。(*´v`*)゜.+:。?  Very good

  27. Just sick! This is so Redbull! Do some wingsuit rodeo true that tight cap… or am i cracy?!

  28. We have the best cracks in Switzerland ?

  29. While everybody’s busy subscribing to PewDiePie…

  30. safe yo.

  31. Best I’ve seen

  32. The folks on that mountaintop sure did get their money’s worth out of that cableway ticket…

  33. Amazing

  34. Ueli Gegenschatz, I remember, that jump from the Sunrise tower in Zürich… that was unfortunate!

  35. Perfekt ????

  36. ellstacker adventures

    This video is so crazy omg would be fun to try

  37. Wow and I thought I got a rush from snowboarding


    $Ø, $Ø, $ØØØØ $ł₡ƙ!!

  39. What’s the soundtrack? It’s nice 2:08

  40. Les kedo bien chingón el vídeo saludos desde México
    Red bull

  41. My late father in law used to live opposite of Niesen. All we had to do is look out the window at Niesen’s beautiful lines and shape. I have climbed Niesen, but what these guys do is insane. ?

  42. How do you train or practice, for this sport ?……
    I used to jump off my 6ft garden shed as a kid. And whilst wearing a 1980’s, luminescent, nylon, retro, shell suite trackie, and all without a parachute……… Is that a good enough start you reckon ?

  43. Everyone of these is straight GOLD!

  44. O Brasil inteiro é um país muito rico em riquezas naturais a região sul é um caso a parte de tradição e influencia independente !

  45. Helicopters + Wingsuits = ?

  46. Maybe upload one full jump in it’s entirety, then have three different videos.
    Rather than chopping up each jump into many short snippets.

  47. I loved your wingsuit outfit.

  48. “The deeper you go into the crack, the tighter it gets”

    Obvious giggity here.

  49. ??????????????

  50. Adrenaline for sure! I like base jumping and the video is perfect!

  51. trement produce!

  52. Евгений Нагаев

    Охуенно! Бесстрашные ублюдки !)))8)

  53. Leave a like if you think this is awesome

  54. Me: I wanna do that.
    Also me: *scared of heights*

  55. Александр Александрович

    Тоже так хочу .?

  56. i want to do this…….

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