Speed Flying 360 Video Crystal Mountain

Speed wing pilot Jon Malmberg follows Brad Gordon down the mountain in this aerial 360 video at Washington’s Crystal Mountain Resort near Mt. Rainier.

For direct to Rift support w/ WebVR:

80 thoughts on “Speed Flying 360 Video Crystal Mountain
  1. Gents, cool 360 video!

  2. Do you know nitroaction 360? It support youtube 360 with google cardboard.

  3. Hoe maak je dit dit is zo erg cool mooiste dat ik ooit heb gezien

  4. Awesome!

  5. I Think i know what i wanna do before i die.

  6. клаааас. сууупер

  7. AlexMir_ZIK 6524

    What’s a camera?

    • +MIxosmefistous dude you sound like the internet genius

    • +ZIK 6524 Well according to Wikipedia:
      A camera is an optical instrument for recording images, which may be stored locally, transmitted to another location, or both. The images may be individual still photographs or sequences of images constitutingvideos or movies. The word camera comes from camera obscura, which means “dark chamber” and is the Latin name of the original device for projecting an image of external reality onto a flat surface. The modern photographic camera evolved from the camera obscura. The functioning of the camera is very similar to the functioning of the human eye.

  8. Does craziest shit ever, uses potato to record it.

  9. у меня почему-то такие видео лагают

  10. My life is so boring!

  11. can’t wait till they try this with porn

  12. 4k and still buffering

  13. i hate this !!!! it says the resolution is 1080p but it’s still shitty…

  14. Why it does not works at my samsung s3

  15. واوه

  16. Pmg

  17. my google chrome doesnt work on ths 360 video

  18. Google Cardboard… I luv you!!!

  19. lol

  20. wow crazy shit, I loved this!!

  21. where can I do this?

  22. פפוץהץץנץנהצץח

  23. Whoow, we absolutely need more of this stuff! 😀

  24. Сармат Химилонов


  25. Awesome!!! You guys are nuts!

  26. wow its amazing

  27. I think that the pilot was doing like amateur. He does something what he souldn’t cause of his abilites… And I’m not talking about some rules of paragliding near lane cable. Really, this was fly of idiot.

  28. shitty quailty sad but true……

  29. Guy with green wing is just crazy. 🙂
    Great video! Thanks.

  30. who ever gets angry at the quality your stupid this brings excitement to handicaps!!

  31. That was cool.

  32. this is one of the weirdest lame activities I’ve ever seen cool camera though

  33. my pc is poor as fuck for put this video in 4k, too laggy!!!!!

  34. очуметь, классно 🙂

  35. מוקה פט שופ


  36. Dang this looks so sick

  37. cool

  38. the knowledge knower

    I HAVE GOT TO DO THIS(i love extreme sports)

  39. David - Minecraft & More!


  40. this is so wierd

  41. The pole is on his penis LEL

  42. Its so cool that I can move the video around with my finger on my 4K touchscreen DELL XPS Laptop. I can look down up, all the way around, by moving the video by my finger touching the screen. I wonder if you can experience the touchscreen on the overrated, childish toy, 4 yrs BEHIND technology of others,…..CrApple’s MacCrap laptops?  Oh wait, CrApple’s MacCrap laptops don’t have touchscreen technology in it, that you get with the Superior Windows PC devices, that blows the crap of MacCrap and iJUNK devices combined. Like Microsoft Surface Book, or Surface Pro 4, Dell XPS 13 or 15 with infinity 4k screens, Lenovo Yuga and other models, ASUS, Toshiba, Acer,……. just to name a few. Anyway, I got to get one of these Fly360 cameras. So cool.

  43. one of best video so far i watch of 360 video. since so much porn video for 360 version. its annoying me.

  44. Try ins 0.25 speed or 2 speed

  45. laike. . .

  46. Азамат Мнашов


  47. if i had a cardboard thing i would wander around my house screaming

  48. Don’t 360

  49. Why can’t do vr mode on this

  50. 360 mega coaster

  51. 闇リヴァイ・アッカーマン

    They are cool.

  52. you are nuts you know

  53. who’s life changed after watching this video your able to move the screen it’s so cool

  54. foks мкйн тэв

    круто но страшна за тебя

  55. it dosent spin I bave a samsung

  56. can someone please tell me what’s the name of this cool song??

  57. Looks cold up there brrrrr

  58. sa marche pas !!!

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