Lars Kirn takes flight on a classic glider high above green pastures in Eutingen im Gäu, Germany.
Mac Demarco “Treat Her Better”
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Lars Kirn takes flight on a classic glider high above green pastures in Eutingen im Gäu, Germany.
Mac Demarco “Treat Her Better”
Link to buy:
Ъвторой наааах
Why No helmet?
because he has nice hair
+Jack Claudiu What for? In case of falling, wil die anyway.
your left! imagine how a helmet would help if the landing wasn’t as it supposed to be…
Your right. Think about how much a helmet could do if you fell form 5000 feet!
No helmet, no respect.
THUMBS UP if GoPros have made your life awesome
Pure fun
That wasn’t all shot with a go pro.
Awesome flight
First?? I mean his first time on an open air glider?
Keep using mac demarco!
Used my GoPro to film a challenge video that I’ve just uploaded
Freedom !!!
looks scary af
Shut up and take my money!
the camera in the print is not a go pro :/
As you may notice, each shot is different; implying the camera has moved.
+bestishiphop damn nice! how much is to rent the glider and stuff from the school?
+2cool0 In germany (or i guess generally europe) the costs are between 1000 and 2000 €. That includes the school glider (sailplane), teacher, winch and motoplane pull starts, theoretics, etc…
Im ultralight pilot, and im always suprised how much gliding is a sport!
+Isti Szalay Istiiii mit keresel itt ?
he used 1 camera in the video and move it from place to other.
he made multi flights even you can see that he doesn’t wear the shoe in 1:13 . and also his holding the selfie stick and don’t think he left it on the back chair .
Daaaamn im so jelous now, that looks like so much fun
mac demarco<3
Привет из России!!!
Есть кто русский?
It looks like they edited in a clip of another flight, since he’s wearing shorts and no shoes here @1:12. I’ve noticed that Go Pro videos often include these edits, even though they’re acting like it’s the same event (flight, surf ride, etc.).
What settings used in the video/
protune off… just had the best light conditions ever these days
+Pilotk92 PROTUNE ON or OFF?
I used 1080p – 60fps
come to my channel, wont regret
that was sick
Why all of your videos makes me realize that no matter which camera I use.. There’s something missing and that’s GoPro
No, thats a life :O
Soft landing
I need to try this, do you need a special license to fly a glider?
Beautiful! What song did he use?
Darude – sandstorm
Mac Demarco – Treat her better
عباس بن فرناس
Abbas Ibn Firnas style
Need special playlist for RAW VIDEOS +Go Pro !
Looks like Big Cat from Rob Dyrdeks Fantasy Factory!!
Maaaan… I wish my life would be just a bit close to someting like this
Go for it man!!!!!
+Ray John And then you get old and on your deathbed you say “I wish I would have made time for that.”
+rcbif101 y i just don’t have the time for it
Take up gliding. It’s affordable
Pretty sure thats not a GOPRO on the front facing camera. GOPRO FAIL
Sorry it was
хорошо )
how safe is that thing?
holy shit this is crazy
just added that to the bucket list
such a smooth landing haha
that was a great video
Name of this “plane”? So amazing! One day i will buy them. I need it.
License-built SG-38, originals were manufactered in IIIrd Reich, after war many companies bought a license.
+Nathan Williams FC
SG 38 Schulgleiter
First thing I found with a little looking was “SG 38 Schulgleiter”, a 1930’s glider which is no longer in production but look around a bit
I guess it´s called an open air glider or classic glider like the titel AND the info box say
Fantastic GoPro Aviation video!! The quality is awesome!!
free like a bird !!!!!!!!!!!
This german guy looks really happy!
I want to try this
One of my fav gopro edits!!! GoPro Media Team Knows How To Take Peoples footy to another level
why he dressed sneakers in the air?
0:36 The smile of success.
It he crazy or mad?
Anyone know the name of this glider? Or is it something he made himself?
+Nyal Williams The Instruments have been build in additional.
Schulgleiter 38 Tr. School Glider model 38. I started on one of these in 1954, but it did not have the instrument pod.
SG 38
Yeah!!! Santos Dumont Airplane Model!!!
Beautiful! Kinda wish they filmed more facing forward though, so we could really see from the point of view of being on the glider. Still a cool video.
Damn, that looks so chill
never ever ever ever ever ever ever will i do that
THEE definition of hipster transportation
Was the front camera a GoPro too?? It looks like it’s other type of camera. You can see it when the GoPro films from the wing view.
+George Marshall
Nope, Here for still looks like Hero 3.
I thought the same thing as you did at first… The pilot actually commented somewhere bellow and mentioned he only has one gopro so he just stitches the clips together.
+Frank Ortega Ah, I see. My mistake.
lies not 100%
ce mec a trop de la chance
looks like so much fun!
great vid. music makes me want to strangle cute animals tho.
this looks soo chill
Looks like a blast!
In one scene he doesnt have shoes and in the others he does wth?
Did anyone notice that in some of the shots he had shoes on and in some he didn’t? Must have been more then one flight!
I need this in my life, and I need it VERY soon!!!!!
He looks like a noob testing out flying. I wish I could do that.
made me smile
1:13 – No shoes
1:22 – Hello shoes
Good landing.
i want one
That Landing Doeee
Amazing! Never thought about launching one that way before.
Her deserves to crash lol
What powered the launch of the glider? I was in Nagold in the early 80’s!
I bet he can’t wait for the simulator version.
This looks like so much fun!
What is the object he dropped?
Simply amazing. I smiled while watching this video
Absolutely amazing !!!
Where’s the Go Pro 3+ at tho?
The world is meant to be seen from above…..awesome!
his pants are changed sometimes
how does he get started? is something pulling him?
And it looks badass
it was a winch launch, common in alpine gliding. I prefer aerotow personally, its less dodgy.
A long chord was attached to a car, similar to paragliding behind a boat, when he got high enough he just detached the chord
It looks like a giant bungee cord
anyway what a nice song
That man has balls
100% invisible shoes at 1:12.
Awesome video! Love it! If anyone is looking for an adventurous channel you should check me out!
Would mean a lot!
awesome man… y youtube has no videos on open air gliding ??
I wanna do this so bad! Do you have to have a license or something?
Haha geil
Wonderful !
Страшновато узкое место для пилота. Ужас)
Scream like a girl
W00T Salad Days!
In mid air he looses his shoes?
Great choice music, second time Mac DeMarco has been on one of these GoPro videos!
That’s neat!!!!
Yeah Blue Boy is a great song, I love his voice too!
Yeah I fell in love with the song Blue Boy, I love Mac DeMarco’s voice
If this is something without windows, it’s certainly not for the weak hearts :-SS
he changed in mid air? jeans to white shorts?
How people can dislike videos like this?
Это не на ГоПро снято
Amazing… Just amazing…
Базара нет чел летает!
i also wanna do this
That looks so cool!
The guy just got excessive adrenaline !!!
i…. i…SOOOO WANNA!!!
ВСе на РАСпаковку ! Добро Добро Добро !
Where your helmet, man ???????
Beeeeeeest video from GoPro so far!!!! I watched it allready the third time in a row and still with my eyes wide open!
This is the best GoPro video I have ever seen.
i really love how stoked he is that’s awesome
keep spreading the love 
A little bit over excited…
why can’t I
This is what I want to do in life
Changed your pants while gliding?
Is it flies only with the wind?
no power?
windows xp
this looks really fun . Gonna put this i my bucket list. Thanks GoPro!
How long free fly in the air ?
GOPRO HERO 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fullmetall balls
That smile when he’s fully airborne, says everything! Haha!
How many times did they have to shoot this? He’s wearing shoes, white shorts, jeans then a black shirt with white letters then a plain black shirt. Continuity? Definitely looks fun as hell though
That cool likes hang gliding what I do, since i quit flying silplane.
Ds ist geil wie Drachenfliegen, was ich mache, seit ich aufgehört habe Segelflugzeug zu fliegen.
I want an air glider! Now!
Check out my GoPro channel
look at that smile
Wow bet the breeze feels sooo good
I got to get me one of those, already have a go pro…
FANTASTIC!!! Great video again
Take a look at my GoPro Vids
what name this song ??
That was awesome.
I thought that farmer is keen mowing that paddock with an old push mower at the end.
They should have included this footage and music in The Aviator, would have made for a much better film
0:34 creepy smile
wich is the name of that sport?
what did they use to pull it on the ground when it lifted off?
O Ser Humano é um Bicho louco mesmo !! kkkkkkkk HAHAHAHAHAHA
What music?
This video would have been better without the monkey screaming in the background.
Why does he looked so bored??? Dafuq
he change his pants on air?
Mac DeMarco…<3
Awesome! and those magic shoes..
Please, a helmet next time… And thing about to install an emergency parachute too
2 questions- Where do you get an open air glider at? And, what if you crash?
Probably die
In 01:14 he’s barefoot. Wtf
Anybody catch the fact that he changed outfits? Lol
Where is his Shoe at 1:14 ?
Life is so easy with a lot of money …
B to the A. Nice flight, d00d.
Very riscky but I would accept to die just after flying 1 time !
dope man
Depois de um bom voo….UHUUUUUUUU….Obrigado Senhor
pull with car?
nice flight!
but why not helmet and safety parachute?!?!
best wishes
How come in every shot he’s wearing jeans but at 1:12 he’s not?
“Is it time for me to scream and overreact now”
Over exaggerating SMDH!
43 people hate life
Wow! EXcellent
Red Bull uploads too much videos and pretty much all of them are boring and they upload the same stuff a lot. GoPro uploads cool stuff pretty much every video is different and awesome and they don’t upload too much. Its just right!
Looks pretty sturdy.
mothafucka! what m I doing with my life?
just flat out amazing ..
with the sound only i would think i hear a chicken xD
koja bleja
Nope x1000
He have huge balls . respect
THE CAMERA FRONT OF HIM ITS NOT A GOPRO !!!!! this twxt in the description “Shot 100% on the HD HERO3® camera from” its a lie !!!!
ok thanks
that was not a camera…..this video is made from more than one flight. Note the change of clothes. Probably only has one gopro.
wearing different clothes and no shoes 1:15
Wie geil
Before the video, was shot not with a go pro!
podra algo ser tan parecido a la Livertad?
100% on the HD Hero3? For me its more like a Contour on the front.
But …. wow!!!!!! Nice video!
That was part of the glider. Multiple flights….
Carey boy !!!!
Want one!!!!!!
the camera that is filming the guys face isn’t a gopro
Агрегат довольно странный)
I love this video i’ve watched this loads of time
Video of the Day!
Lars Kirn takes flight on a classic glider high above green pastures in Eutingen im Gäu, Germany.
Holy shit!!!…. This is definitely bad ass!!!!….stay safe …pack a chute……
JD/82nd ??
GoPro can I have a free GoPro
GoPro nice
Awesome! Looks like a model plane you’r make and throw around outside. Fun!
thanks for macdemarco
Fantastic! Do you need a ceftificate for this, how long does it take to get it?
I HAVE to do this!
How fast was he going? He slowed down in like 5 seconds from his speed to 0. I mean he wasn’t probably going as fast as he was in the air but still. 0.o
I flew about 40 – 50 Km/h.
Anyone notice that he went from barefoot in the air to having shoes on when he landed?
Yes we noticed but you have to double the shots for GoPro… Im sure he is a trained professional that can do retakes all the time with the same rush of excitement… Wouldn’t you?
Joyful! …it’s amazing to see the crazy things we can do just for the joy of pushing our boundaries
isnt this like REALLY DANGEROUS?
Nope. There is always a risk involved, but gliding is generally a safe sport. Its all about the attitude – flying safely & not exceeding your limits.
This is probably the best video in the gopro era so far
This looks like Freedom
Luckly he found some shoes while he was flying.
I love how he goes from excitement to complete concentration to pull off a text book landing, nice.
What a soothing experience
Nice landing?
what is the name of the song? please
Why do you take off your shoes in air?
Great Video. Thx.
the camera facing him didn’t look like a go pro
oh ok fair enough
It was not. That was part of the glider. This was multiple flights.
“How is your mother?”
have you ever been so excited your jeans turn into shorts? 1:10
Man that looks fun, Wish I could do it!
This is so cool!…. I want one!
SWEEEET ! I want to to do it to !!!!
that looks fun
He is so lucky, He Gets to fly a glider!
OMG the landing really impress me…I can’t believe it LOL
Name this song is?
R-shot a couple of times I reckon , notice he is wearing no shoes and then he is wearing shoes at the end. Unnecessary comment just noticed it- Who else did??
shut up and take my money!!!
Being able to do that would make my life complete. Also being able to listen to ambient music of some sort would be nice as well.
Very cool!
forget turn in thermals
So how long was he actual flight in the glider? Looked like a great rush!
about 3 minutes
A dream
Just look at the grass! and the sky!
Incredible, all I could think of was crashing back to earth.That was super brave.
Love the song too, who is it by?
Please go check out my latest videos and subscribe. I make adventure videos and post new videos every Monday.
Thank you
the music made me cry for absolutley no reason
I feel your joy guy every time im up I am at easss
What’s the name of the song, sounds pretty cool though
Forget it ….Unbelievable Awesome
that didn’t look like a gopro
i want to o this!!
tijolos tambem voam lindo …
“Looks down” “tightens seatbelt”
He’s not wearing any helmet nor parachute.
Less self absorption.
Looks like something from the late 1800’s
He looks so happy
It’s like being in a sailboat with just the sound of water splashing against the side of the boat – QUIET and peaceful.
You guys make me happy.
My pleasure!
I love how Mac Demarco’s song “Treat Her Better” is the music to this video.
Best glider video ?
props on that Mac DeMarco sound track.
oh so much yellow
Something about that smile lol. Almost like he was saying, “heheh. Yeah, I love this.”
Bliss. Very few activities can capture that.
Even by the most modest of men it’s usually followed by a most wonderful “WAHOOOO!”
dat smile at 0:35
Omg, that day i would sit in something like that? NEEEVVAH!
He was so chill during take off. lol
At 40 seconds, he reaches for the tow release but the cable appears to detach by itself before he pulls on it. He then pulls on the release twice. I wonder if the mechanism is configured to release automatically if the cable is vertically underneath and he was a tad too slow.
Hi +muroc UAV it releases automatically. it’s a kind of safety procedure that you pull twice after the detach.
Yep, though much different, the glider I am training on has a mid-point tow setup that automatically releases once the glider “passes” the cable. I’m sure it’s the same with many others.
This guy seems a bit crazy, but this looks like so much fun!
That part when he looks down then tightens his seatbelt I laughed so hard
omg!!!! The Scenery Damn Nice!!
And then one of the cables snap.
*tightens up the seat belt* this is awesome!
how did he go from jeans to shorts while flying???
+Cole Morrow lol
He was just going so fast it ripped the legs off as well as his shoes.
how do I get my gopro videos on the GoPro channel?
“Brothers Keeper” Reminds me of the Wright brothers.
0:33 That smile was so creepy, man! xD
Bucket list: checked
It must feel awesome
how this yhing flies ? what is the power source ?
That’s how my grandfather used to fly in the 30s
What a coincidence
This is awesome, I’ll bet it’s a lot easier and safer than it looks, OK I’m adding this to my list of things to do before I die, along with wing suit glides and glider glides, btw what’s better, a wing suit, or a glider?
I can’t understand you
Got thag right son!! Imnot gonma do this but ima buikt my own !!
No parachute? Now there’s confidence!
very nice to feel air, but it is pretending it was taken during one flight and it was not, at least two
I like to scream too sometimes
that was awesome man
pure bonheur communicatif !!!! peacefull !
Very peaceful & uplifting thanks for sharing!
A modern day Wright Brothers perspective.
So Badass !
He looks (at an angle) like the guy from vat19 in a way.
I liked your happyness
Looks fun! Such a nice day too to be cruzin’!!!
The song is just as good as the video!
The song in this sounds like a song in sponge bob
+Keagan Goins Its mac demarco
it was shoot with the contour camera not the go pro right
cause its like: let’s fly real quick
this video is SO SOOTHING…the music is brilliant!
*casually tightens straps after seeing how high he is*
You guys probably have so much fun with this!! Was this homemade? or is something you purchased?
that has to kill the glide ratio
Did anyone else notice he started without shoes and landed with shoes
this guy is a pro. he can change pants and shoe at mid-air
How fast are you moving up there?
Great film, it’s a different experience compared to the modern gliders, you might feel a little height anxiety on one of these
+casaamaril Exactly thats how it feels like!
Congratulations!!! Arica, Chile
Lol! Awesome!!!
that’s awesome…music’s great too
No thermals? Nice video. Happy landings!
How much would this cots to do in Canada I was thinking about a glider license but this looks cool too.
+mrgrapebutter You need a glider license to fly one of these.
Fukn awesommmmme
mac <3
I keep coming back to this video, amazing
Love this video because it introduce me to the wonderful world of Mac Demarco.
난 언제쯤 상공을 날라볼까 ㅡㅡ;;
u guys are so cool
The GoPro that’s recording his face. Where is it?
+SikGT Hey, I did several flights with just one gopro
Yes Please.
wow!!!!! how do you do it man! show me!!!
Where could one get that glider?
sg 38???
Love his reaction.
that smile on take off + that scream at the end = Stoked!
No parachute? O_O
He’s awesome! He even changed his pants and shoes during the fligh!
A composite of multiple days flying that is why he is wearing different close, sneakers and sandals. The camera on his face was a Sony Action Cam.
I Startet on a ASK21
+Pilotk92 I guess there was no gopro in front instrument pod when the shot from the right wing was taken. That would make sense then. Still, a fun video. I am taking soaring lessons in a conventional Schweizer dual trainer. Did you start that way?
+John Stefanick all shots are with a GoPro. The “thing” in front of the Pilot is part of the Avionics of the Glider.
SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A DREAM
Love the music. Mac demarco really makes chill tunes
Oh hell noè! I would find it terrifying to sit at the end of that thing with only that mutch protection .-.
geez how did that glider stay up, his massive balls must have brought it down
+Pilotk92 also, i love your videos, and the music is great, i love the mac demarco song, you have earned a sub
+Pilotk92 but is is truly amazing how you and many others do this, i dont ever think i could ever do this, but we all have our hobbies and crazy things to do, like i like to do deep sea diving and im only12
+Cameron Fraser haha they aren’t that massive but thanks
This is my favorite video on youtube
No airbrakes?
Eres un farsante de tomo y lomo
+Israel Hernandez Velazquez que?
+BIG BAD BOY de que o a quien le hablas?
+BIG BAD BOY cabron
wow Germany is beautiful
+borderex bro it obviously can be really nice here !
i cant
i couldn’t
i wouldn’t
+Sunny shine you miss something really awesome
On take off this guy looks a little nervous.
+Jason Jackson it was the first time so i really was …but awsome …believe me !
Anyone know what make of glider this is and/or if they are for sale OR if there is a more modern model that is also open air like this? I need one of these, and I live right near a place perfect for gliding
мужик по прозвищу стальные яйца))))
Looks like he changed his pants during the flight.
RC ?ye
And his shoes
I like to believe it’s the same flight…
well that was earlier video.
Good flying machine for hot day.
i dident see a singel GoPro camera in the clip … ? :-/
Next time use the same clothes and nobody will notice the change.
Nice editing anyway! Oh, and you have balls…
+Kobboy Kng Thats exactly how i did it
… it also was on two different days.
haha – yeah that is possible!
But the first front camera is not a go-pro – looks more like a Sony FDR-X1000V .. Thought the point would be that we saw he film himself with a go-pro and uses go-pro ( this is a go-pro commercial? ) ..
I assume they recorded with 1 GoPro cam and two takeoff and cut the two flights together into one. That’s why it seems the pilot changed his pants during the flight.
Awesome bro!
+Henry Wong thanks =)
Mac demarcooooo
get baked and then do this
+Baby Rat okay
Mac Demarco??
Mac Demarco fits this video so perfectly
i love mac demarco
thats just my biggest live dream i wish i could fly in a glider
In the Netherlands it is not that expensive, there are a lot of gliding clubs spread across the land that let you fly for 60 to 80 euro’s a month, that’s it. While that still is a lot of money, it is doable with a small-ish sidejob.
+Vladimir putin awesome! in holand it cost alot of money sadly
maybe i can learn it in the uk 
+Boris Verhagen UK but parents got me into it
+Vladimir putin maybe it is diffrent in other country’s where are you from ?
+Boris Verhagen unlucky, cause I’m under 18 I went solo for not much money
i should buy that one omg
I thought he was going to stall at 0:40
yeah I know but It just looked like you were going to tip stall
+stickfigureman722 still had a lots of speed
I would get a heart attack if i was him!
+Ata Aycan oh yes it really is.
+Pilotk92 thnx god
is it fun?
+Ata Aycan I’m still fine
Awesomeness at its highest
Mac de Marco ! great to hear him here
1:15 lost his shoes?
haha wtf
+Massimo Weis video cuts from different days
сначала в штанах потом он в шортах
Wow, a glider with built in air conditioning!
Right on! Thanks for sharing!
the front camera looking at him is not even a gopro
+Texas Freeride thats a glider equipment not a camera
I can fly these things, i have done it for 2 years. No way you are going to get me in one of these things. NEVER!
+Robert Fennis oh yeah, I agree but this is probably the cheapest way to get in the air w/ joystick control
+Anthony Abelardo The closed ones where you are inside a cabin, not these flying bicycles.
+SilverZapper I should have been more clear. I flew in closed gliders not open ones like this one.
What happened? Some sort of accident?
+Robert Fennis You said you fly these things for 2 years but then you say you are never going to get inside one?
That’s a badass glider. It really lets you be “free.”
I want to fly
That would be so fun
that looks like so much fun
Do they have these at Walmart?
My thought: That is got to be one of the most wondeful feelings in the world. Flying like that.
I know that feeling!
What an amazing rush!
I never winch launched though….Bet that’s even scarier!
who cares, he didn’t even perform a loop.
He needs to wear a chute. For christ sakes….
if he where to bail out he isn’t high enough to even get it open
why, hes got a glider.
he changed pants during flight!
this guy looks so bored xD
haha good one
I definitely was not expecting the Mac Demarco, good choice go pro!
Happy life!
SG 38
Wouldn’t mind seeing it without music
Press mute.
OMG this is the coolest glider / flying experience!! What type of glider is it and how old is it please? Thanks Lars and GoPro – very very sweet vid!!!
Hi Bryce! thanks ! its an SG38. Rebuilded a years ago.
Espetacular….Lars Kirn….muito show seu voo bem original sem paraquedas, chego a vibrar toda vez vejo o vídeo…parabéns e bons voos…
Wow !! That looks like a hell of a fun moment !! I absolutely love it
what a cool dude!
that’s the life !
You can measure airspeed with the front of your nose in that.
lol thats cool
Those bugs in the face tho……
I don’t think bugs fly that high
doesn´t look like a Gopro… is another camera, with excellent quality
Where can I buy one?!?!?!?
Fun Fact: He put some shoes on while flying. Bad ass!
all the comments say that he changed his pants in midflight
Three videos
Two different videos mixed I get it
ahan gide he did . he had jeans on then landed with shorts Lol
yeah well, he did!
*SO COOL open air glider. Cant get more grass roots flying then that. Awesome*
my boy mac
*looks down*
*tightens harness*
well, there is only the seat and the harness holding you in place… no wall to the left, none to the right and just a ski bellow.
lmao thats great
How does one get to learn on one of these wonderful gliders?
A glider with a built in pants changer.
I noticed that too!
That guy was happy it made me happy to
no he meant what he wrote
milkmandan77 lol you know he meant “too”
It made you happy to WHAT.
i wanna do this but i don’t have the balls
Advocating for the rights of the insane to fly…
Uuu tha fkn men Broo…!!! ???????
Just saved up enough for a hang gliding license =). Awesome video.
Amazing, could someone tell me where should I go to ride an open glider? I live in Michigan please any tip thank you
Take pilot lessons
Amazing !!!
@1:14 Has no shoes on, then @1:21 has shoes on…
Also note, that in one sequence he is wearing short pants and in the other full size jeans
that’s a high pucker factor flight?
Whatching these videos makes me realize how boring my life is.
Me too
liked the music
1:16 Lol, that would be me right there!
Why wouldn’t you wear a helmit?
My uncle fell over on his bicicyle… He wasn’t even riding it… it wasn’t even moving. He wasn’t wearing a helmit. He cracked his skull. Obviously if this guy falls out of the sky the helmet is going to do very little to save his life. But if he has a take off or landing mis-hap it could very well mean the difference between life, death or years as a veggie-tale.
if ur gonna wear a helmet on an open glider just fly a closed one, and wear a helmet.
+merlinthegray Hey now, there’s a big difference between the two. Riding a motorcycle is horrendously dangerous. Also, how often do you get to go up in a glider compared to if you bike?
Why do people ride motorcycles without helmets?
I think you’ll find the same answer.
don’t forget screams like an idiot
Yea! Repression of base emotions is way better!
That’s one brave man.
this is life
whats the song name?
Pablo Escobar treath her better by Mac DeMarco
Why is there not anywhere in the UK where I can do this!?
What makes you think you can’t do this in the UK? There are plenty of gliding clubs.
More like our country is just boring and backwards :/
Population density and stricter regulation?
lame cringe
Very cool
How to get high fast
Pause video at 1:49
Popa Alexandru haha my face
the any human dream
I do it all the time
in World of Warcraft
never didn’t I imagine hearing my boy mac in a GoPro video. jah bless
he is on shrooms.
he woulda crashed..
you can fly these without being a pilot?
Need a private pilot: glider certificate
looks like a Dixon primary glider to me . my dad built a (real one) 35 foot wing span, only drove it back and forth on a grass runway. lot’s of good memories
whatt i didnt know tony hawk did this man
what is this song?
Now jump off and film it
Did they have to add music?
Future dead man.
How does it stay in the air with those huge balls weighing it down?
I want to do this now and without training for some reason.
yea most likely.
Pupanugi …and you’ll die…
You’ll go viral~
GoPro is overrated ! Tons of action cameras out there now with 1/2 of GoPro’s price tag, and probably with better quality lol. Some brands succeeds by luck !
relentless marketing, as well as being THE FIRST….is not luck
changes pants at 01:33, changes them back at 01:38…well done sir!
Krazy kraut!
I was dreaming of a machine like this when I was a kid.
How exactly did they start it? I mean it’s not possible that someone just pushed it and it started Flying
01:09 he sure changed his pants quickly up there
Song was amazing I fell in love with it
If we put the world leaders on one of these it would give us a better chance at solving all world problems.
White people are crazy.
Mac Demarco. Instantly recognizable. Nice.
It’d be more fun if you could poop on stuff, like a goose.
Dressing room aboard the glider cleverly hidden. I didn’t even notice the door!
Yeah id rather not die
Not bad. It would’ve been great if you had done a L00P de L00P or a BARREL ROLL.
как же это круто )))
What vid mode did you use on gopro?
SkyPilot 737 i used 1080p with 30 or 60 fps
very good idea but the pilote is quickly freezen!
1:16 mating call
Did you crap your pants in flight? You left with jeans on, half way through the flight changed into shorts and after you cleaned your jeans out and dried them you landed with jeans on again! Fantastic!!
Why is he barefoot at 1:12
what is the name of that glider?
Ahmed Saad SG38
Mac demarco!
Nice pepper mill as a flight stick.
came for go-pro stayed for Mac Daddy <3
that ws funny
uhhm cringe