Red Bull Air Force pilot Hannes Arch takes us on a wild ride over the beautiful landscape of the Austrian Alps.
Strings Massive “Lovely”
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Bonobo “We Could Forever”
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Red Bull Air Force pilot Hannes Arch takes us on a wild ride over the beautiful landscape of the Austrian Alps.
Strings Massive “Lovely”
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Bonobo “We Could Forever”
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First coment
Pretty cool
First liker
this looks like GTA V
It is a wonderful view
Thank you for the best videos
in case you wonder: he took of a road, not a runway (road next to the Erzberg, a mountain known for the Erzberg Rodeo)
Pretty nice
AUSTRIA ,thats where i live
+RedpixelYT Haha! Genau.
Guada oida
Thanks man
your country is very beautiful.
+MegaGaming Masters Im hungarian but Ich Spreche ein bisschen Deutsch 😀
he looks extremely uncomfortable at the end of the video
Yup gravity.
well that’s what g-forces do to you 🙂 ;p
What accent is that? It sounds indian but I know he’s not indian,it’ll be interisting to get to know his accent 🙂
Sounds Indian??? LOL. Have you ever left the village you probably live in?
“Austria? G’day mate! Let’s put another shrimp on the barbie!!” I encourage you to watch Dumb & Dumber, and get a sense of humour before replying to this. 😉
+Wacko Pictures They speak german in Austria
i know 😀 german does not mean germany
german is the language we speak in switzerland austria and germany
+Wacko Pictures yes ur right
I love the POV!
Where is it !!
It’s right in the middle of Austria just Google: Austria erzberg
So cool!:D
Wow!! Great Footage!
OH WOW. You couldn’t find a narrower place to take off and land? haha this is crazy! Well piloted!
At 1:00 you can see the right wing tip vortex. I have never seen it on a stunt plane before 😀 Very nice!
Nuts. Love it!
What game is this? (:
+Clay Norrbin
Maybe in a few years when they integrate everything into VR
Is it out on the PS4 yet?
Darude – Sandstorm
The flying one lol
no that’s how we roll in Austria! 😀
GoPro makes you watch every last second.
That open scene is like when you spawn a stunt plane on gta in the wrong place
I got better shots with my FPV DRONE and it’s safe.
+Lember LP h3 3d
😀 which Gimbal do you use? zenmuse H3-2D/3D, other or no gimbal
ohhh I get it, cool cool ^_^
+Zj Virtucio
No I dont mean the vision 😉 h3-3d is the gimbal 😉 and on the gimbal ist the gopro 😛
just plain phantom 2, and not the vision thingy. yeah its awesome, but don’t know what hd-3d your talking about lol. you mean the camera? is it GoPro? or you mean its own camera from Dji?
Did he just took off on a road and landed there? That is some Gta stuff 🙂
Where is the wing gopro, we can’t see it from the rear one
They’re using footage from different planes in this video. I counted 3 different planes (or at least paint jobs).
Its a new mount – invisible mount. haha…jk. They probably did multiple edits.
Its there, watch for a white spec on the left wing about 2 feet from the tip.
+MajoraCTRL Impossible… check at 58′ it’s really on the wing otherwise it could be really dangerous
01:06 は、エンジン止めたの!?
He looks like he died at the end
These are the only commercials I enjoy watching 🙂
kirby chambliss is better
With GoPro HD we can see boogers in the nose
Instant WTF!
Beautiful place…
kept thinking I was getting text messages on my phone 😛
2:01 both the look of almost passing out from g’s and constipation. Awesome video!
where two different planes in this video or is it me?
Either two different planes or the same plane with different graphics kit.
Hi everyone , i’m a french tenager and i practice a lot of extrem sports , i show you a lot of Nice places , if y ou could take a look at m’y channel it will be awesome thanks bye
Thanks from gopro family
Wow… It’s beautiful!
+STAG162 Yes right
+David Billieres Ouep exact.
Quite right, I saw 3 different planes being used in the entire video sequence. One on take-off and landing, one used on the tail of most of the aerial shots (more stickers on the upper-fuselage), and the final one being used on the left wing (lots of stickers).
un collègue viens de me faire remarquer, que ce n’est pas tiré de la même séquence, l’avion a des décorations qui sont pas les mêmes.
Ça décoiffe !!
That was sick.
I don’t think my whiz wheel can calculate the density altitude up that high! Excellent flying ( as usual).
Wow!!! Excellent!!!)))
Damn, you took off from a road. I realised it then that we’ll never have a dull moment!
Holy shit
Bonobo? Mmm… I think I was too into the video and missed the song… DAMN! IT!
i do it in gta 5
Well done. Great footage.
Beautiful and exciting! I loved it!
Hey people I edit videos from my gopro hero3+ black !
Would appreciate a visit 🙂
Pretty much a gta video then.
That camera on the left wing was not a gopro, beacuse then you would see it from the camera back on the plane
Love Bonobo’s rithms.
Bonobo has some awesome tunes man. I love the song they used.
It is the Red Bull Air Race, NOT Red Bull Air Force!
The takeoff was the craziest part… an inch to the left or right and he would have clipped the wings
Looks like he was about to pass out at the end.
Was he about to pass out at 2:00
Yes i like it…… very intresting
Kan ik ook … Op gta
Он же вертолёт подрезал!
This guy could probably do the Flight School update on GTA5 better in real life than i could do it on xbox xD
Only thing i dislike about GoPro’s is the fisheye lens that ruins the perspective of the video
Nigel Lamb for the win! 😀
best job in the world i reckon :L
how you fix the gopro’s ?
I am the only one that thinks GTA V
GoProFAMILY いいね・・・
Great Video and the music while not as bad as some, still detracts from what the airplane is accomplishing. How about just the natural sounds.
Uhhhhhhhhh… Why did he take off on a road… Where did he land???
@1:01 I seriously thought you were a goner
Really awesommmeeeee can I come in you airplane? 😀
Check ouyt my GoPro channel 😉
What a blast!
Go GoPro, and Red bull…………………
I didn’t get the 3, because I’ve been waiting for the 4 to come out for a while. WHEN!?
Great GoPro footage from the tail and the wing of this stunt air plane. Gotta Love Crazy Pilots! Gotta Love GoPro!!
wich is the name of this song
How is the camera mounted on the wing; from the tail camera there’s some bump a bit to the left of the R, but it seems far smaller than a GoPro (the tail camera from the wing looks much larger)
Am ende hatte er wohl zu viel blut im kopf 😀
(At the end of the video i think he had to much blood in his had :D)
Video of the Day!
+Red Bull Air Force pilot Hannes Arch takes us on a
wild ride over the beautiful landscape of the Austrian Alps.
What a maniac! He had to bank the wings to avoid that tree on the take off. Great stuff.
if I have seen that correctly this was during the ski jumping world champion ships in Austria 🙂
I’ll never forget when the Red Bull Air Races came home to San Diego. Gotta bring ’em back.
2:01 are you serious?
Well that was kinda dull.
Very nice video! We would like to film our beauty as well 🙂 Support STERNA VLA and let us make some great videos:
i like it. can you tell me how much it costs.
Nice booger
Dude’s got some real balls.
gta 5!!
Da wird einem beim Zusehen schon schwindlig! Red Bull Air Force Pilot Hannes Arch nimmt uns mit über die Alpen! #RedBullAirForce #GoPro #DawirdDirschlecht
the title sounds like a porn
The camera angle is a lot like the one in flight Sim x, awesome video BTW
Thats gta for ya
I assume that was chuck in the chopper
Did might be Copying But on this Channel i will Be uploading Gaming Videos and gopro Vids is well so dont say oh your Copying the other people and i am not so yea
What kind of plane is that?
how can i send you my video ?
That landing…
i came from austria 🙂 :DD
let’s put another shrimp on the barbie!
q feo los mocos secos…..uuummhhh
RIP Hannes
R.I.P. Hannes Arch
no more dull moments…
RIP Hannes Arch
R.I.P Hannes Arch 🙁
I read it I see it but still refuse to believe it. He is gone- Hannes, Bonhomme and Chambliss made this sport great.
God rest your soul mate!
… and now he’s gone… R.i.p Hannes Arch
Rip Hannes arch