Pilot Gene Soucy lights up the sky with his nighttime performance at EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI.
Kristoff Krane “Mouth Of The Beast”
Link to buy: http://goo.gl/yq542e
Pilot Gene Soucy lights up the sky with his nighttime performance at EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI.
Kristoff Krane “Mouth Of The Beast”
Link to buy: http://goo.gl/yq542e
first coment xD
Schön für dich
To Bieber’s bed
75th view!
How it looks from land?
+James Alwin
+Brian Erickson wow
Even better
Check out my most recent video! its awesome!
Thanks Brian fro the picture that help satisfy that need.
That’s beautiful
Impressive imagine how it looks from the land
Он просто в War Thunder графику на кино поставил.
+Nicola Simon Yes, he can, but he doesnt want. All the Ukraine crysis is deal of USA politics
No putin you cant take ukraine
+Nokladr русские везде!
Но это же реальная жизнь, очнись!
Chemtrails … lol
One could say, it was really… saucy.
Ha… Ha… Ha :-
it looked cool, but I imagine the view from the ground was more impressive. Presumably no one had go pro footage from the ground…
That’s cool!!!
I’m not getting these kind of results with my GoPro Hero 3
Cooooongratulations for buying a mid-range, mid-price, entry-level, self adjusting, self-explanatory, punani close-up zooming plastic hunk of easy-gear and expecting video quality from a full on marketing video… edited by professionals. With computers worth more than the engine of your car or your car altogether… or your dog. With skills better than you burning your morning pancakes on your KMart griddle.
You just popped your gopro cherry.
Now, go buy a GoBOXX and some good software. Then read some manuals as you sit on your eco toilet.
+GoPro Can you guys check out my most recent upload??? I’d be so stoked and Its soooo sick!!!
+John Zachos Check out our tutorials channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoProTutorials
Also , this is a hero 4 i think.
+GoPro Thank you for the answer! In the future can you please provide editing methods and shooting settings when releasing video? Thanks!
Hey gopro, would the scene be better if it was filmed by gopro 4. If the answer is yes, pleas send me on so i can check it s true.
Hero4 is the current version of the camera. Regardless of what they actually used to shoot the video, it’s GoPro’s way of advertising their product, up-to-date.
This was filmed with a 3+ black.
if you look at the intro it says hero4 on the camera, earlyer videos dont, maybe it is?
Looks like Nvidia’s PhysX – Turbulance 😀
Je l’ai acheté elle est trop bien
no one bothered to film at least 1 second of footage of the plane from the ground ?
Gene took the last few hundred bucks out of the ATM in front of me at the Reno Air Races a few years back! Ended my chance of getting to take a couple laps around the pylons in a Mustang. :'( It was awesome to meet him though!
ОГОНЬ ! Все ко мне на распаковку друзья !!! Добро Добро Добро !
It’s all good but how does it look from the ground below?
это песня если ее найти она со словами, кто знает без слов, скиньте:) плз
If you want to see it from the ground, just search “gene soucy fireworks” you lazy fucks. Haha
Kristoff Krane
R.I.P. Eyedea
I would’ve rather seen this from the ground…
Nice =)
Flying a plane must feel so good
Hope I dont sound stupid for asking this, but how are those fireworks created coming out from the back of the plane like that????
+STAG162 Actually I think sparkly flammables might be the scientific term….haha
Well, try lighting up a sparkler, which is just powdered magnesium on a wire stick. Now use that (and some other sparkly flammables which I can’t think of the names of right now, maybe someone could drop in a hint) and you basically have a fireworks show.
Fly with the stars…
Check out my GoPro channel 😉
that was kind of an anticlimax …..i thought itd be better than that
Over here at MCAS Miramar we had 2 of those on Saturday, AND the Blue Angels 😀
Amazing video though better from ground
check out my gopro mx edit of my friend its so fresh!
Awesome as usual!
I have video from the ground filming this :). check it out on my channel!
you actually do 😀 .. it was amazing thanks for uploading it 😉
I was there
Gene Saucy
Awesome flight with peaceful fireworks!
I don’t get it! Why putting a Gopro 4 in the video introduction and finally filling the video description with video was recorded by a Gopro 3+ …
Anyone else notice the GoPro logo is really sketchy at 1:09 ? or is it just me?
i live close to the EAA
Please,subscribe at Theo rousset
ooohh that’s sweet!
For once I was wishing for a different view instead of the POV one.
put those GoPros on Swip Team’s planes. and just watch what you record 😀
Soucy is such an awesome last name…..
no where near Miramar
Lol gopro hero 4 intro and in the description “shot 100% with the hero3+”
That’s is a gopro hero 4 bucket heads
Товарищи из Гоупро, подарите мне камеру гоу про, я буду вам видео присылать! У самого у меня нет денег 🙁
lol i bet people on the ground thought the plane was crashing
I watched a video similar to this a couple weeks ago but the guy was in a glider…
Sony is better
How did +GoPro extract the audio from this song?!
What is the Name of the Song.
+UhhBurns How did you mute the vocals? +GoPro
+GoPro +GoPro +GoPro
the vocals I mean..