In 2015, Malawi was a country without a single paraglider pilot. However, there was a young man named Matthew who dreamed of running into the sky to become the first.

A year later, Ozone Team Pilot Benjamin Jordan spent two months sharing what he knew about free flight with Matthew, preparing him for the unimaginable experience of being his nation’s one and only pilot.
Since then, Benjamin has returned to Malawi to witness Matthew’s progression and has sent dozens of other pilots there to befriend and fly with this brave and kind soul. Upon their return, each of these pilots proclaimed their love for Malawi and its people, and for Matthew to have safer, more modern equipment to fly.

Last year Ozone began its Free Flight Program, and Benjamin’s application was just what we were looking for: an opportunity to support a well-trained novice pilot whose progress and safety was being hindered only by a lack of access to quality gear.

In the spring of 2022, Ozone sent Matthew a Buzz Z6, Oxygen 2+, and Angel, and he hasn’t landed since!
In Matthew’s words, “I had never before known the feeling of flying something new. I feel like this Ozone stuff was made just for me!”

We are currently accepting applications for the next participant in the Ozone Free Flight Program. All submissions must be made by an Ozone dealer or team pilot, on behalf of the applicant.

Please send applications via email to

To find out more about Matthew or The School of Dreams in Malawi, visit

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