My first cross in the Alps made out of the neck of the Arpettaz, on 15 May this year!
3:30 flight for 60 km and an attempt failed for a tour of the Bauges, but the pleasure is not proportional to the distance traveled.
During this flight, I could debunk not small thing wrong when Alpine Cross and started to learn local geography… I even started to put names on the tops and through a recycling I say more “Z” or even the “X”!
The route of the day is well marked by cumulus, the reading of the clear blue sky!
It’s sports level ridges powered a breeze is but downwind of one Northwest rather marked this day there. The part of the flight over the nature reserve of the Bauges is not very comfortable, I’m a bit too low to surf the confluence and I’m getting some correct Alpine turbulence!
Some departure thermals are atomic, and it’s the tooth of idiots I’m getting cut the most, just after my first transition! The fault to a placement a bit hit and Miss…
For the next Alpine cross going that I’m a little more familiarizing myself with the local meteorology.
Anyway… oddly I fly a lot more zen in Auvergnates turmoil since ;)!