BEST OF F A S T Wingsuit and Base Jumping / Brazil #GOPRO

Best of F.A.S.T. is a session of wingsuit flying and base jumping from Brazil
100% GOPRO – 100% BRAZIL 

Follow the athletes :
Rodrigo Almeida “Criket”-
Fernando Brito –
Gabriel Lott –

Fernando Brito, Gabriel Lott and Rodrigo Almeida with friends Alexander Polli, Carlos Briceno, Caco Cruger, Gustavo Areias e Yuri Cordeiro

Music by: Professor Kliq – Nations
Edited by : Bruno Graciano

160 thoughts on “BEST OF F A S T Wingsuit and Base Jumping / Brazil #GOPRO
  1. انا خفت وانا مالي دخل ?

  2. crazy, crazy.

  3. rip to all base jumpers wingsuiters and parachuteurs Who died doing their passion

  4. la video gopro du jour

    If they were no risks, it would be so fun to do this!

  5. Show it in real speed. Don’t manipulate the drama. all images are manipulated now. Leave it natural.

  6. Just cause 3 ?

  7. กางจังเลย

  8. ต้องไป

  9. Living the life!!! Viviendo la vida!!!

  10. en qué lugar de brasil se puede practicar el winsuite=? ….es fantástico

  11. ??????

  12. I think it’s scary .and lt”s not part in my life

  13. try to find way to land without the parachute , may be first on lakes then on land..i think if you come just above the water surface and keep horizontal until you feel that you will start to collapse..then just a small flap up and your speed will be zero and you’ll fall on your legs in the water.. will it be possible??
    you can try this from 12000 feet and pretending that the land is at 6000 feet . so you have another 6000 feet as a safe distance ..
    good Luck .. and safety first…….

  14. fuck my life I need to do this sometime

  15. Александр Чистопьянов


  16. no good

  17. 90/100 this nigga is dead

  18. da uma vontade de pular com esse trem ai.. mas da autos gelo ao mesmo tempo haha

  19. finally

  20. Why change the natural sound to music? You just spoiled the whole thing mann

  21. ISso deve ser muito louco.. Gostaria muito de pular!

  22. that first ever jump in one of these suits must be nerve racking as shhhhhit. oh, man. they just fall vertically for so long as well.

  23. These guys usually have smashed dicks.

  24. يا حظهم بس والله نفسي اجربها

  25. ок

  26. Indian Para commandos are training heavily in these wing suits to master RTI Rapid troop insertion – especially in
    POK and Gilgit-Baltistan

    We are training in Pitch Darkness using infrared and heat sensing markers

  27. song name please?

  28. Um grande abraço as os esportistas do windsuit, vocês são únicos,

  29. This is freedom… when I’m older I’ll hanglide from that high

  30. sou louco pra aprender. existe uma escola conceituada no Brasil?! Se sim, me ensine o caminho das pedras, por favor.

  31. awesome guyzz/// one day i will also be flying

  32. amazing…

  33. Im pretty sure your opening almost gave me a seizure.
    Good job!

  34. こんなのの何が良いのか理解できん

  35. maynak olum yaa

  36. يعجبني الطيران من فوق الجبال

  37. dc chơi trờ này. dù chết cũng mãn nguỵen. ???

  38. Where exactly was this? Rio?

  39. Wow crazy cool. Incredible

  40. what’d the name of the music

  41. Amazing…..

  42. Wowwww… Amazing..! i dream with this…!!

  43. I want to do this, skydiving, and bungee jumping so bad

  44. Wow

  45. Torno a ribadire ( nonostante la giusta osservazione sull errore grammaticale) che se avessimo dovuto volare il buon Dio ci avrebbe fornito di ali

  46. They remind me Japanese heros from 1960s…

  47. Muito louco ???

  48. Bikash gred man sherpa mounten triger Lama

    o god

  49. So cool! I wish I could do this one day!

  50. I want someone to make a video of a guy jumping off in a flying squirrel suit but also holding a flying squirrel and letting it go to see how it fares…. (catch it at the end of course)

  51. i wanna doo this but i dont wana die.

  52. in 15 or 20yrs the wingsuit technology will be far more advanced greatly decreasing the risk of death. Ill wait til then.

  53. aqui é brasil

  54. ui

  55. ui k xa

  56. UK k xa

  57. UK k Xavier

  58. vertrauen !

  59. Gokturkt Tunahan Ozturkk

    vay orospu çocukları nasıl uçuyor bak kuş gibi

  60. JCF Julian Cebrian Flores

    Thats soooo fun i want to try this

  61. Edicarlsene Edicarlsene

    tengo trece y me voy a meter

  62. WOW!

  63. Good or bad the outcome, can you imagine the rush?

  64. Talk about balls….. letting go of fear!

  65. hell no

  66. la adrenalina los mueve fantastico

  67. Rapas Eu fico imaginando Quanta adrenalina o cara deve sentir nesse momento … Que maravilha !

  68. how do you stop?ooooo nvm

  69. woooo

  70. song..?

  71. How do they fit their huge balls in those suits?

  72. Thinking of you, Bill:

    (I’m afraid to be THAT adventurous!)

  73. salve, precisa ter muita drenalina ????????

  74. its true

  75. fking great!!!!

  76. my feet sweat

  77. I want to do this but I would pee and I’m afraid of heights

  78. is it me or this mouintain have a face

  79. ainda vai ter uma roupa dessa que vai dar pra pousar sem acionar paraquedas?

  80. زيوو العراقي

    الي يتمنى يجربها .لايك

  81. For the love of God, can you people stop playing music on all of these vids. Just play the vids with the natural sound.

  82. Superbes prises de vues pour de superbes vols . Dommage que le ralenti casi permanent casse l’ambiance et surtout la réalité de ces descentes impressionnantes. Imaginons une vidéo de course de F1 au ralenti ??? et bien voilà, vous avez compris!!!

  83. Amazing!!

  84. bravissimi veramente molto bravi

  85. Димка Алексеев


  86. increible gue balientes hufffff

  87. If you ever dreamt of flying, this is you!

  88. gente isso aí é no Rio é?

  89. 4:12 what and where is this ?

  90. Wow this looks awesome. I would never do it though.

  91. I’ve always wanted to become a bat girl. I had a dream today that I was a beautiful one! my ears we’re so cute. I had wings and soft fur under them. and I also had vampire teeth. (sorry if I spelled wrong)
    I was so beautiful! and I flew so good with my wings!

  92. Kostum nya dimana belinya yah

  93. If only Electras were real
    (There from mincraft)

  94. Rafael Souza Pereira


  95. انمرج قلبي ?

  96. espetacular! !!!!!

  97. I want to jumping

  98. ʢƹʌʠʫ ѤΐȴѣᾳԄ

    real freedom; Fly. Between Death and Life.

  99. ooh shet ,, my balls sensibility

  100. Awezome i feel im here

  101. Alexsandro RAmos Santos

    show de imagens… alem do rio de janeiro quais outros lugares ai, tive a impressão do base jumping ser na Chapada Diamantina

  102. ?

  103. قرتونتالجواالخامس

  104. 한계를 뛰어넘는 상상의 세계로 이끄는 비행다이빙이네!!!!!!!!???good.good

  105. The day the doctors tell me I have an inoperable brain tumor, I’m booking my wingsuit flight.

  106. I have no fingernails left :-0

  107. gostei ?? mais tem que ter muito sangue frio pra fazer isso

  108. So cooll

  109. 2:11 ooh one of them was almost dead ? he was too close from the wall

  110. I believe the more close they are flying to ledge the chances are they are more likely close to heaven…. and they’re not gonna stop their audacious journey until they are flying as  close to heaven as possible  and finally realize ” oh! shit IS HERE HEAVEN OR HELL…… LOL

  111. isto é Crazi!!!!

  112. cool

  113. Laughter before death !

  114. I’m kinda scared of heights, but I still want to do this, maybe my fears will disappear after this xD

  115. if you wanna do this you need to complete 500 solo skydives

  116. Floxiewolf Flowers122

    I want a wingsuit so bad

  117. That’s not flying it’s falling with style, of u know which movie reference that’s from liek da comment

  118. show de bola , emoção ímpar …
    Deus não nos deu asas mas não quis dizer que não podemos voar .

  119. The best of Wingsuitt .

  120. Francisco Alves Cabral dos Santos

    Homens passado ou homens morcegos? diria que também são indenticos a Lemores planadores!.Saida perfeita e sincronizada muito Lindo!!!

  121. my balls refused to watch…its still rolling, fearless people

  122. Thats guts with passion ????

  123. Virginia Czarnecki

    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING….just mind blowing

  124. Where this happens..? Thanks in advance. / Где происходит это..? Заранее спасибо.

  125. Nem eu sabia que no Brasil tinha uns bagui desse

  126. الشعور روعة عندما بتحلق

  127. Top de mais

  128. Abdellatif Chebboub

    Amazing base jumping !

  129. Is it true that they could have in best jump sometimes 30 km/h resultant velocity ??? (vector sume of spped in horisontal and vertical )

  130. I thought I wanted to do this until I saw the crash videos.


    Cidade do Rio de Janeiro-Brasil

  132. Why is only white people BASE jump

  133. Amo ese deporte

  134. I want to do this but without the wingsuit ??

  135. My mom won’t let me skydive

  136. Okay you guys are ABSOLUTELY NUTS! AND…I LOVE THE SHOW!!! Beautiful footage!!! Be safe so you don’t break your mothers’ hearts, but again BEAUTIFUL video footage almost make even the cautious understand why you do it. Vicariously LOVING IT!

  137. Want to try this myself!!!!!!!

  138. A thing I’ m unable to do but I dream it…
    one word : RESPECT to all those guys (and girls ?)

  139. bem loko isso kakak

  140. dying simulator

  141. badman187ification


  142. Владимир Бухмин


  143. Question is their a non white bass jumper

  144. Isso é muito massa!

  145. I love it

  146. Pedro Anastasio Boffa

    como faco pra tirar licenca pra pular com o wingsuit ?

  147. Ming “The Merciless” used a wing suit to evade Flash Gordon in the 1940’s Flash Gordon serials.

  148. Awesome.Very nice.

  149. Mmلىل ةة زةازنMm


  150. Ma sei italiano

  151. Я тоже хочу так прыгнуть

  152. Who are these crazy guys ?

  153. Руслан Ханов


  154. Amazing

  155. Todu Comentario Que Voce Le Eu Estarei La

    muito legal

  156. amazing!!!
    greetings from Guayaquil-Ecuador
    you should come here!!!

  157. amazing… Can I make it in my life to do this???

  158. What with 1:09. ¿

  159. José Wellington Vieira da Costa


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