Death of BASE Jumper Dwain Weston — Slammed Full Speed Into a Bridge

Australian BASE jumper Dwain Weston was considered one of the world’s best at the time. On October 5, 2003 while performing a proximity demonstration, Dwain Weston died slamming full speed into the Royal Gorge Bridge near Canon City in Colorado, USA.

At the time of the impact, Dwain Weston was flying at an estimated 160 km/h speed. Experts believe that Dwain Weston miscalculated his distance from the bridge and misjudged the tricky winds within the narrow gorge. After hitting the railing on what is the highest suspension bridge in the world, the BASE jumper dropped 90 meters onto the rocky bottom of the Royal Gorge.

Dwain Weston was only 30 year old when the incident took place. The slam into the bridge was so strong, it totally disintegrated him. Brutal, but he died doing what he loved. Sheer brutality of the impact along with the fact that Dwain Weston was considered to be the best wingsuiter in the world made his death video the most famous BASE jumping accident in history.

176 thoughts on “Death of BASE Jumper Dwain Weston — Slammed Full Speed Into a Bridge
  1. I wouldn’t jump in those conditions. VFR only.

  2. Some cold arse comments in this section man wow. I never ever speak ill of the dead, you are all brave. Karma. Smh. RIP.

  3. lol stupid white trash.

  4. Flying suits

  5. Wow exploded

  6. Not sure if it was his first BASE jump. Pretty sure it was his last

  7. “If God meant man to fly,he’d have given us wings”  “I don’t have wings,but I do have a fancy jumpsuit with flappy bits sewn on…”  “Oh well– off you go then,you flaming dipshit!!!”…

  8. Красный Сапог

    he is allright??

  9. Better to go out to a cheering crowd and on camera than run into the side of a mountain all alone.

  10. He dieded?

  11. I heard he was shredded into “pieces” from the railing or cables. Lol

  12. Bright fellow there

  13. did he died?

  14. Tis but a scratch.

  15. *writing edgy 12 year old comment*

  16. *WARNING*
    *PULL UP*
    *PULL UP*
    >nah, I’ll make it

  17. It doesn’t even look like he’s travelling at 100mph. If he pulled his parachute he might very well have survived. He was an experienced flyer, he must have known he wasn’t going to make it. Apparently he wanted to fly through the bars.

  18. xX-Faxe_TfueXx Employee

    That would look like a death from a videogame?

  19. 0:45

    “Aw man…” ?

  20. Suicide

  21. Fanime Productions T.V.


  22. Man In The Wilderness

    Hurled into Eternity in seconds…..I hope he was a peace with his maker…

  23. Definitely not walking that one off

  24. I drive fast cars. But man….I feel bad enough about that….why do dumb shit like this? It’s just too much.ever watch the guys climbing tall buildings and hanging by their hands off skyscrapers. Just seems morbid to not care about your own life or those who love or need u. Selfish.

  25. Holy shit, it's a talking muffin

    That’s his leg flying up in the air and then downward. The yellow thing.

  26. Weston Peace

  27. A lot of cowards in these comments think they’re gonna live forever if they can just sufficiently mock anyone who doesn’t lead a boring life of quiet fear

  28. “The slam into the bridge was so strong, it totally disintegrated him.” What are you banking on people WATCHING the video to not have eyes? He deploys his parachute. He severed his leg hitting the railing and later died from blood loss. You think that’d be enough blood lust to not make up random ass bullshit about him.

  29. wuuut

  30. Rip

  31. Suh – MASH!

  32. remember kids, life is not a video game 😀

  33. How much would you pay to have that small piece of the bridge’s bent railing (where Weston hit) in your front yard?

  34. pretty awesome!!!

  35. Adventure:
    Keep living life like there is no tomorrow and you might be right sooner than you think.



  37. He’s fine. He’s just hiding under a zombie.

  38. This may take a bit of rehab

  39. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, Next time he’ll crush it

  40. Go bridge or go home

  41. What do we learn? Dont skydive

  42. The bridge was in the wrong position

  43. Reason to NOT jump out of a perfectly good plane or a higher cliff point.

  44. LMAO! A smashing success indeed. Smashing.

  45. He needs some milk

  46. Ya know shit is extreme when it got 2 LiveLeak watermarks

  47. I can’t see what happened this his body after he hit the railing? Was his body on the bridge or did he go over? It seems like in the footage that he just disappeared.

  48. That’s certainly tragic and the comment section here is almost even more tragic. Sadly that man died that day but those who make fun of this have already died long before him. Everyone talking about psychopaths and fearing them whilst not knowing that nowadays they seem to be everywhere. Traits like this where people start making fun of the misery of others are mainly which describe a psychopath, therefore I can congratulate you for not being a normal human being but something that shouldn’t exist in the first place or at the very least should be in a psychiatric hospital. Everyone who thinks I am being too serious here falls under this category of people I just have described.

  49. i just keep clicking 0:50

  50. When I see this video I think of the song fly like an eagle. Lol

  51. *Slam* “uh-huh, this my shit ?” ??

  52. If you stop at the right time you can see his body being severed from the waist down. Horrifying.

    • Some claim the last thing that went through his head was his shoes, but of course it was more like a bit of severed spinal cord or part of the bridge

  53. lol

  54. What the fuck do you stupid people expect. Goddamn fool

  55. Astala bistala

  56. “He died doing what he loved”

    I love pussy but I don’t want my dick bit off from one. I KNOW YOU LADIES ARE HIDING TEEF IN THERE!

  57. Streme spoats

  58. Corliss is next….Mark my words. This shit looks super fun n all. But fly smart. Avoid obstacles. Birds can fly. But flies can’t bird.

    Perfect contrast to watching people fucking dying

  60. ahahaha.

  61. its a bit sad seeing all these cancerous comments. this honestly is horrible. ut then, its the internet.

  62. Oog

  63. Where we landing boys?


  64. 0:23. Luigi Sound

  65. But… but…

    Is he fine?

  66. ”Tis just a flesh wound.

  67. Have some humanity people…

  68. Probably his bones turned sand!

  69. i dont know why people put he died doing what he loved in quotes, he LITERALLY died doing what he loved lol

  70. The answer to the riddle of steel.

  71. Define full speed please
    I’m clueless

  72. Wow…. think about how long it must have took to build the bridge. Especially the railing.

    RIP – someones effort

  73. Here from PKN

  74. “Is he okay??” What do you think? dumb bitch.

  75. If you do highly dangerous stuff, the law of the large numbers will get you eventually. You have to think about it before your endeveaour and if you choose be content with it.

  76. rip man

  77. That was REAL close!

  78. Hope he was ok

  79. He wanted to be a Bugatti, he became a bug

  80. Pause @ 0:51 you will see him leaving his body in spirit form..crazy

  81. One of his legs was instantly severed upon impact… As for me, I really enjoy backpacking.

  82. Play stupid games……

    And other such bullshit to encourage these death junkies.

  84. a tribute to Yeah, Sure

    I’ll bet you he won’t do that again.

  85. People in the comment section don’t seem to realize that they will die too and it doesn’t matter how “safe” you live your life, there is always a possibility that you will die a gruesome and painful death. Laugh for now but know that death always has the last laugh.

  86. He’s about as fine as a branch in a wood chipper, Id say he’s pretty far from fine, he bled out as he was dropping to the ground most likely from loosing his legs from contact with the bridge, he was moving pretty fast. The sad part is he knew he was gonna hit the bridge for about 10 seconds how terrifying.


  87. did he died?

  88. Stupid people….

  89. If you look closely you can see his severed leg

  90. goodnight, sweet prince!

  91. Was this is canon city Colorado that bridge looks familiar

  92. I know that this is an amateur sport but that was still totally unprofessional of him.

  93. I guess its better then just shooting yourself.

  94. This is a story, some believe Dwain did this on purpose. If youve watched Jebs vids. RIP Dwain

  95. Throw some dirt in her johnny

  96. not funny but well deserved ,they live to die

  97. That railing got a little dinged up.

  98. Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado

  99. Dwain small dick wayne smashed into a bridge like i smash into your asshole,,,,full impact,,,deep penetration,,,no masturbation,,,,your asshole is my vacation!!!@_@ HIV included @_@

  100. Red Bull, it gives you wiiings.

  101. amy the pyscho and faith

    HIS HEAD CAME OFF. I’m so sorry for this guys lose.

  102. Australian wingsuit wanker died after tearing his leg off and then spudding into a cliff face where he bled the fuck out and clocked off

  103. This is not a sport. This is suicide with style!

  104. There is a vid of the other base jumper he was confirmed dead?

  105. Just to clear a few things up: apparently the coroner determined that he died due to hitting a bridge.

  106. I guess he went off the rails.

  107. I thought blood was gonna splatter on the bridge or bleed out during falling the speed was like zippy zap and bam extreme pain.

  108. Idiots are killing themselves : NATURAL SELECTION. No compassion for incredible stupids people. FUCK OFF !

  109. The comment section is gold Jerry, gold!!

  110. 0:25. holy smokes

  111. The Progressive Atheist

    Base jumper dies young while engaging in their favorite activity: “It’s beautiful because he died doing what he loves.”
    Meth user dies young while engaging in their favorite activity: “Meth….not even once!”

  112. That guy got hit in the poofery valve and turned into red mist.

  113. Sure nice of him to do this for us. I laughed for a full 6 seconds… thanks dude it was so worth it

  114. If your friend jumped into a bridge would you?

  115. Can I get a rip in the chat?

  116. I don’t know how people can joke about this

    • It’s actually not that hard. All you do is set up a seemingly innocuous or sincere premise and then throw in a punch line.
      People that knew him claim the last thing that went through his head were thoughts of his family

      But of course, it was actually the soles of his shoes.

  117. so fucking cool.. I love it.. instant death!!! first place trophy!! #1

  118. Hmm Where to fly in this entire fucking canyon?


  119. He ain’t gonna be in Rush Hour 3.

  120. ?

  121. hes not stupid just high risk/reward factor. at least he died instantly. also, this video is hilarious.

  122. One and done over these vids.

  123. Just build a bridge a fly over it

  124. I can’t really feel sympathy for people who insist on high risk behavior just because. It was to no one’s benefit but his own for him to jump off a mountain and go kersplat into a bridge. At least he only hurt himself. He hit that bridge like a fucking cannon ball. *BANG* That won’t wash off.

  125. ?™ ??

  126. The religion of peace strikes again.

  127. I reserve the greatest admiration for those wing suits who jump alone, at night, without video cams, and never tell a soul. They just do it for the thrill.

  128. Why is everyone making a joke out of this

  129. I can think of better keepsakes to give your fans.
    Good luck getting them signed though.

  130. His favorite band was Papa Roach.
    His favorite song was “Falling apart”.
    His second favorite was “rest in pieces”.

  131. They’ll have to glue him back together…

    *…IN HELL!*

  132. if proximity demonstration means ‘how close can i come to the bridge’, he won.

  133. Its stupid to fall so close to a bridge! This is a competition about who will die first…

  134. “pull up! … WOOP WOOP!… Pull up! … WOOP WOOP!”

    Bitch please

  135. What actually killed him though ? Was it the landing ?

  136. And this years darwin award goes to…..

  137. moron

  138. Lucky he didn’t slam into a few people.

  139. bullseye!! yay!! party. fire the weed up, crack some beer, let party!!. he was a animal. good thing he started the party!! I love this!!!

  140. Why didn’t he open his parachute?

  141. Don’t ever ignore your gut instinct, if something doesn’t feel right don’t do it.

  142. He said, “whatever happens, happens” errr now I hope it was really painful before he died. Think of the kids! What if your legs exploding off your body hit a kid in the face!?

  143. Who paid for the damaged rail?

  144. Lol

  145. Fuckin moron …

  146. Surprised there’s not a huge blood splash on the railing he hit…and people covered in specks…

  147. If only he had legs to walk it off.

  148. Btw guys when he fell he got torn to shreds sooo…

  149. Was he decapitated if so so bad

  150. Dumb bastard..!!

  151. Calvin not/applicable

    Yeah, he’s dead as fuck (base jumper)

  152. *_B R U T A L_*

  153. Wingsuit is ranked 1 most deadly sports. Those people are asking for death literally

  154. That was cool…klang! Shoulda went for 10′! Lol. For everyone thats wants to take our bridges away now….BRIDGES DONT KILL PEOPLE….EXPERT WINGSUIT PILOTS THAT FLY INTO BRIDGE RAILINGS DO! LOL. one more, whats the difference between a bird and a wingsuit pilot? A BIRD CAN FLAP ITS WINGS TO FLY OVER AN OBJECT! LOL. AND WHERE THE HELL IS THE GOPRO FOOTAGE!!

  155. Ban assault bridges…

  156. If u do dumb things u can die by doing dumb things.

  157. im sorry for the rail

  158. Auditioning for Man of Steel.

  159. Retarded Spirit A320

    Please don’t go wing suiting people because if you die I will cry 🙁


  161. Told you, shouldn’t a held up that bottle of water for him to grab

  162. lol,.. love watching this awesome, video.. relaxes me, so fuck much.. not as much as slamming a fence at a, 100 mph.. but it pretty fucking awesome.. too bad he wasn’t a cop.. I have them, sorry bastards..

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