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Cedric Dumont and Jhonathan Florez marked a milestone in the world history by being the first athletes to fly over Nazca lines wearing only a wingsuit. Both athletes jumped from a plane at 2,700 high, flying over the immensity of the Nazca desert for more than two minutes, reaching speeds of 190 kilometers per hour.
Definitively a more than a privilege view of these famous geoglyphs, recognized worldwide by UNESCO as World Heritage.
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Amazing stuff 🙂
“that was pretty cool”
yeah right!
sooo he just got a SLR on his Head…
Wait WHAT o_O
Aliens are proud of you guys
0:20 😀
fuck that
Nazca desert looks like a sick place to take your mountainbiking team… just saying! Those ridges near where they landed looked pretty immense
redbull is an amazing sponsor they even sponsor an energy drink !
Aliens falling from a airplane 😀
“pretty cool”
fuck you
why is jokkesommers wingsuit video deleted?
It’s good to do this if you have constipation
that looks fun
Mexican Package Delivery System 🙂
crazy guys
i dont like redbull (the drink) but i love redbull (the extreme)
That is Epic!
love it tooo 🙂
can I have a free redbull?
I bought
I doubt this has 301 views
Peru 3
Awesomeee, Peru♥♥♥♥
Peru FTW!
Gabbo vi fa il culo
All that work, money, preparation and we only get 1 minute of footage? 🙁
da was prity koo
Why have a GoPro if you can put a DSLR camera on your head, right?! 0:20
Just so everyone knows the song is called: “Borris Nonte Intellectual Game”. =)
This is in Peru.
0.20 GoPro’s are for pussies!
has no hot bitches
Can’t say if I like it or do not like it. There was barely any video coverage of the wingsuit jump or Nazca plateau for that matter. Is there more to this?!
The footage at 0:42 wasnt even from the wingsuit its toow low
Was looking for the name of the song in the comments and bingo! Thanks so much!
“that was pretty cool” … Little bit of a understatement
No need to slam a Redbull bro, you already have wings! ;P
I get that getting them to drink a can of red bull before doing something amazing is a great advertisement for you but is it really necessary that someone about to jump out of a plane needs to have more adrenaline and energy?
one word, AMAZING !!
Those sunglasses are dope anyone knows which brand is it?
same thought here
How much work, preparation and money did you put into this?
That image on the mountain is so f#%#ing creepy, aliens!
squidward on 0:10
Colombian pride! 😉
the best minute on your life
thats it?
Wich glasses are those ?
The description says “flying over the immensity of the Nazca desert for more than two minutes” and yet the video is one minute. Some things should NOT be edited.
lately I stopped watching red bull videos because of the ridiculous 1-2 minutes length. its bullshit seriously.
Dam, could not see the drop zone. Awesome though
I’m no expert, but is the only point of wearing a helmet to hold the camera? If you hit the ground at 190KM, you’re not going to walk away just because of a helmet… So my question is, why where the helmet?
Nice smooth landing, must have been a blast!
Because landings aren’t always smooth. Lets say his foot gets caught when he lands and he gets flung forward, even a small knock to the head can do serious damage.
Ah, thank you very much.
i love how he has a DLSR camera planted on his head.
0:44 is that the alien shit?
because your parachute may malfunction close to the ground, or you may have a ruff landing , or many other things. better safe then sorry 😉
you could strike part the the aircraft, a bird, another person, and as stated, the ground. It would be “silly” to die from a minor concussion from a botched landing when a helmet could have saved you.
Song please!
this is exactly what happened back then and there are drawings by spanish invaders depicting it so its all been done before by nazca giants falling from space .. skeatesy
christians believe in fallen angels but this is the real falling angels pilots from space falling to earth and called evil by spanish invaders so evil was only attributed to them by catholics not that anything evil was about to happen by ancient nazca giants .. skeatesy
Song name please!
Did they land over Nasca Lines ? /:
Yo soy de esa cuidad :3
¿Alguien ha denunciado a estos imbéciles? Esta es una zona intangible. Está terminantemente prohibido transitar por este lugar. ¿Donde miércoles están las autoridades peruanas? ¡Esto me revienta carajo!
Voy a denunciarlos
¡A HINCHARLO DE DISLIKES! ¡Es lo unico que se merecen! 🙁
Haciendo sus piruetas en zona intangible. Ojalá les caiga una denuncia por su tremenda estupidez.
que se chinguen, y que la malinche se los lleve a la verg…….
El gobierno del Peru ya hubiera ordenado a sus fuerzas armadas establecerse en el perimetro de la zona con la orden de MATAR a cualquier infractor…. infractor como estos hijos de puta
“One person’s freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins”, I think RED BULL must publish an APOLOGY to the Peruvian people for his sloppy stunt in the Nazca lines. Both airspace and land space is strictly forbidden to approach near WORLD HERITAGE. Extremely irresponsible and disrespectful, This is worse than Greenpeace´s last incursion,(at least they have a ethical position to defend) this was for pure leisure, without considering the consequences. This is how you value other cultures? who is next on steph on cultural heritage??? set an example and prevent another raid of this type. The people who provided or allowed this activity you should know that it is ILLEGAL according Peruvian laws and international laws.
El gobierno del Peru ya hubiera ordenado a sus fuerzas armadas establecerse en el perimetro de la zona con la orden de MATAR a cualquier infractor…. infractor como estos hijos de puta
+gon jip toda la zona es arqueologica, no solo las lineas.
+gon jip toda el area es protegida, TODA, no importa donde pises TODA esa area es restringida!!
+Bravo Fotografia cuando proteges algo lo vigilas verdad o te vas a tomar una chela .
en la selva se estan deforestando miles de hectareas de bosque “protegido” pero nadie dice nada.
sabes que para sobrevolar las lineas el estado se come 25 soles por impuestos ,crees que algo de ese dinero se destina para la proteccion de las lineas?.
aca vieron que la empresa es RebBull y seguro que les brillaron los ojos por la indemnizacion.
Tambien opino lo mismo, deberian dar orden de matar. Lo triste que las marcas que entrar al espacio intangible lo hacen solo por lo “misterioso de las figuras” no por una admiracion a la cultura inca o su gente. Una lastima
+gon jip porque eso pase en la selva, no significa que este bien lo que se hace en nazca, y por supuesto que tambien se debe proteger nuestra selva
Red Bull es una Mierda..
It is not a privilege, it is a violation of the law and a disrespect of these athletes.
That was not pretty cool!
An APOLOGY won’t be enough. The peruvian goverment has to prosecute the promoters and the peruvian people should stop consuming the promoters’ products.
Pretty Stupid Wings! Esperen la demanda….
Abrutis ! Aucun respect.
that’s so wrong!!!
Ustedes también querían ser populares hijos de puta? jodanse todos ustedes con su bebida de mierda. respeten nuestro país empezaremos una campaña de desprestigio a su marca.
¡Dejen de destruir el patrimonio cultural de nuestros ancestros!
band of idiots all of the RED BULL
Deporte de retardados y vagabundos, como da colera ver a estos faltos de trabajo hacer algo asi en semejante legado cultural de la humanidad, IGNORANTES!!!!!!!!
Debemos pedir a nuestros amigos en redes sociales que le den DISLIKE a este video! Hacer una estupidez como esta y con una sonrisa en la cara… no se puede permitir!
Ignorante! luego de aterrizar que van hacer? emprender vuelo de una vez? les toca que caminar! y sin ninguna medida de seguridad en el calzado para no dejar marcas! Se ve que no conoces ni lo mas minimo sobre las lineas de Nascar y sus condiciones!
? pero al caer no parecian estar cerca de ninguna linea y la toma aérea lo demostró.
Si puedes 100% afirmarlo, da la muestra de que pasaron y maltrataron las lineas. Sino mejor reclama que los propios peruanos invaden nuestro patrimonio sin que se les reprima.
Como ctrees que salieron de ahí? volando nuevamente?
y como crees que pusieron esa bandera peruana que aparece al lado del paracaidista?
la lanzaron seguro.
+gon jip
Para eso se prepara el calzado colocando una especie de goma espuma con determinado diametro mucho mas grande que que el calzado para amortiguar el golpe, y que sepa los hombres en el video no llevaban el calzado al caer y menos lo van a estar cargando en sus morrales, no mas en la caida el daño es irremediable, asi que qu ete invito a que antes de criticar te informes!
Don´t you know it´s prohibited to walk there?! Stupid gringos, go home and fuck red bull!
I hope you get sentenced to jail for this.
El video tiene casi 2 años y nadie dijo nada llegaron los estupidos izquierdingas de noticias RT con sus especulaciones amarrilistas y ahora a todos les importa. PENDEJOS
No es RT o la prensa AMARILLISTA! Es la Asociación María Reiche, Informate!! Si el gobierno no hace nada, somos nosotros los PERUANOS que tomar cartas en el asunto.
another red bullshit
they are the first one , because no one is supposed to do stupid shit like this… This is a crime to the country of Peru and and the Nazca lines…
Destroying the Nazca lines for the sake of advertising is a fucking disgrace…incredibly disappointing with this huge disrespect to the people of Peru and their culture.
5 años de carcel sin derecho a fianza alguna o en su defecto si son patrocinados por alguna multinacional 100 millones de dolares! …punto final.
Los organizadores de esto deberían ser llevados ante la justicia pata que asuman su responsabilidad por el delito de daño al patrimonio cultural.
en el peru se deforestan 300 000 hectareas de bosque al año y a nadie le importa hasta al cachaco se le ocurre ser sede de la cumbre mundial sobre cambio climático.¡
baja un hombre con un paracaidas en una zona donde no hay ni una maldita linea y saltan los peruasnos pidiendo prision y seguro una millonaria indemnizacion.
que hijos de puta
Putos gringos humala tendria que poner a unos cuantos cogoteros por hay con fusiles y al primero pam csm ya les gusto agarrar a las lineas de nazca de punto
“…marked a milestone in the world history by being the first athletes to fly over Nazca lines wearing only a wingsuit.”?? A milestone in the history of stupidity, I’d say. Consumers, pay attention.
they are stupids ! !
PERU debe demandat a Red Bull por daños a nuestro Patrimonio. Lo que hicieron fue sobretodo muy estúpido.